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Posts posted by hectorbog

  1. 0305_59788_mm.jpg


    I love this dress but the reviews say it sheds glitter everywhere. I don't know if I actually care as I may add glitter to my face and arms anyway. I just don't want to be rude to others if they sit where I may have been seated and get glitter on them.




    I think someone else posted this one here too, I love this one and if I decided to get away from the glitter I will get this one.




    This one will end up being what I get because it is black. I wanted to be spontaneous and trendy by adding in color or flare. I don't know if I can.


    Which one would you all pick for a 5 foot 3 inch girls who is in a size 22/24 (hopefully smaller in 10 months at least a size or 2). I am not super busty but I have a big booty and a baby belly??????


    These dresses are beautiful. Where do you get them? I really like the middle ones colors.

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