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Posts posted by margaret10987

  1. I was on the Breeze the week before dry dock ( the week after the OP) and boy did I learn my lesson. I agree with everything the OP said except we had a very good room attendant. Service sucked!! Even on Elegant night it was 20 minutes before someone even came to our table. We ate every night except one in the MDR using My Time Dining and had very bad service although the food was good. Food pretty much everywhere else was not great but I certainly did not go hungry. I am not a picky eater. My complaint was the service. All over the ship. I think the crew had already checked out because of dry dock. I usually cruise RCCL but wanted to give Carnival a chance. Loved the ship but will I cruise them again. Maybe, maybe not.

  2. The behind the fun tour was excellent. They told us about half the crew would go on vacation and the other half would stay on board. They took us into the main galley and OMG that place is huge!!!! They showed us how things work and we got to sample some baked goods. The chocolate chip cookies are to die for. (The same ones you can get free with room service) They also took us into the laundry and showed us the washers, dryers and how they put wet sheets into this big machine and it drys, irons and folds them. We got to go into the crew dining room (buffet style, open 24/7) with different theme nights to try to do food for all the different nationalities. All crew eat together whether you wash dishes or are an officer. They try to stress that they are all equal. We saw their bar/game room area and pictures of their cabins. Most are four to a cabin, some two and higher ups have their own cabin. Married couples working on the same ship get their own cabin.

    We went back stage and were shown how all the lighting, etc works.

    We got to go up on the bridge and speak with the Captain and have your picture taken. You get two 8X10 photos for free. We got to go in the engine control room but not the actual engine room. Oh...and while in the galley we saw the food storage area. Holy Crap!!!! Even though our ship was going into dry dock after our cruise they still had lots of food for the crew that was staying on board and all the contractors.

    We also saw the crew hot tubs. I think that is about it. The tour lasted a little over three hours. At the end we all got champagne or mimosa's a backpack type thing with a soap carving and a baseball cap. Then later that evening chocolate covered strawberries and cookies delivered to our room. Well worth the money spent.

  3. drrandall,

    We only ate in the buffet once for lunch and I thought the options were lacking although the food provided wasn't bad. Your typical buffet food.

    The chocolate extravaganza was good because I love anything chocolate.

    Guys Burgers was just ok. Personally I think Carl's Jr. burgers are better LOL

    Did not eat at the blue Igwana (sorry spelled wrong) not enough time

    Did not try Tandoor. :( not enough time

    Ate sea day brunch twice and it was good

    Did not try any of the specialty restaurants, mainly ate in the dining room.

    Ate pizza three times and it was good although the lines get long but move pretty fast.


    One another note we did the behind the fun tour and it was excellent!


    The pools were very small and crowded compared to Royal Caribbean and the adult serenity needs an all adult pool!!!! Hot tubs were always full of kids and pools filled with babies in diapers. One good thing is that I did not notice as much chair hogging as with Royal Caribbean. If you got to the pool by 8-9 am you could get a pretty good chair

  4. This was our 5th cruise, second on Carnival. The Breeze out of Galveston is a beautiful ship and we enjoyed our cruise a lot. I really only have one bad thing to say, well maybe a couple. The service was terrible. I think since this ship went into dry dock right when our cruise was done most of the crew had already checked out. Twice we were seated in the dining room for dinner and then no one came back for 15 minutes. No bread, no drink, no nothing!!!! One of those was on elegant night. We were so disappointed. I would say only about 50% of the crew was friendly, the rest could have cared less if we were there or not. This is so sad. Usually when we cruise the crew is so friendly. Our cabin steward Lauro was the best though. He did an excellent job keeping our room clean and was very attentive.



    We did a Carnival excursion in Montego Bay because we wanted to go to Dunns River Falls and Mystic Mountain and it is so far away. This tour was very unorganized and rushed but a lot of fun. We barely had time to eat the lunch that was provided before being rushed back to the bus.



    We went to Nachi Cocom on our own and it was very relaxing as usual.


    Grand Cayman:

    Went with NativeWay Tours and did the Rays, Reef and Rum Point excursion. Our boat captain Thomas was great. We swam with the Rays then snorkeled, then stopped at starfish beach then on to Rum Point and were provided lunch. I would highly recommend this tour.


    Embarkation was great with the new staggered check in but debarkation was a big cluster with the left hand not knowing what the right hand was doing. You would think this was their first rodeo. We had faster to the fun and did self assist debark because of and early shuttle so there was only our type of group, platinums and early flight people that gathered at our location to debark. There were two people telling us where to go an neither of them did the same thing. They had people going all over the place.


    Will I cruise Carnival again, probably. Do I prefer Royal Caribbean, yes. Will I ever do your time dining again, never.

  5. I always wondered what would happen if we were to have a medical emergency at sea God forbid. Anything can happen at any time, you just never know. Can anyone tell me how this works. We always have insurance just in case. I know this is a very personal subject but if anyone can tell what their experience was I would appreciate it. I am not trying to be morbid just want to understand what would happen and what the procedures are. Thanks

  6. We will be in Cozumel on the Breeze and going to Nachi for the day. We want to go downtown for some shopping after the beach. Where should I ask to be let off with the taxi driver for the best shopping and is there a specific place to catch taxi's back to Puerto Maya pier? Thanks

  7. I will be boarding the Breeze this coming April. I have a question regarding being handicap. I am able to walk on board the ship without assistance but am wondering if I will be able to board before general boarding. And if so, how do I prove I am handicap other than my physical appearance. All I have is a handicap tag for my vehicle. Thanks

  8. I have fttf and want to know, do I have to get a tender ticket or just go to a special line? I have tendered before in Belize years ago without fttf and do not remember getting a ticket. Just that it was a mad house. How do you even get to the fttf line if that is the procedure? Thanks in advance

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