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Posts posted by Rence

  1. Just got back from two weeks on the Summit with a Pied Piper group. The staff and crew were largely wonderful. I only heard of two minor negatives.


    A friend of ours commented to us quite late in the cruise that he was unhappy with his waiter. The waiter was Jamacian and didn't seem to happy to have a table of gay men. I asked why they hadn't asked to for a new waiter, I am sure that the request would have been immediately granted. He was just the sort to keep quiet and put up with it. Our waiter was great.


    There also was an incident late in the cruise. There were a lot of teens that liked to hang out in the Disco and the staff had trouble getting them to leave at 11 (no one under 18 in the Disco after 11). It would normally take repeated attempts to get them all to leave. They weren't really causing a problem, but it was just the policy. On one of the last nights, the father of some of the teens got into an arguement with ships security. He felt that his teens should be allowed to stay because they were "still on Hawaiian time" and couldn't get to sleep and there was nothing else for them to do. The father was quite upset and during his arguement with security he made a statement that his kids shouldn't have to be exposed to all the men dancing together in the Disco. It was a stupid comment for him to make because security turned it right around and pointed out to him that if his kids were out of the Disco when they should be, that they would not have seen two men dancing together. That was the end of the argument.

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