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Gertie Gal

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Posts posted by Gertie Gal

  1. We arrived at noon and it was complete chaos for awhile, because of the layout where terminal 25 is located. The terminal is at the end of the peer and all the traffic HAS to circle back around. Security and police officers were directing people to go to different places and were confusing everyone. When we stopped and unloaded our bags, we couldn't find a porter. Once we got our bags checked and parked the car it got better. If I had it to do again I would go a little bit earlier.

    Disembarking at our scheduled luggage tag time was a piece of cake.....


    I completely agree! We have sailed with Royal Caribbean 18 times and never have experienced such long lines. Prior to the cruise we received an email from Royal Caribbean stating that due to embarkation problems we should not arrive sooner than 12:45. We stood in line outside the terminal at least an hour and a half. Also, the lines for self disembarkation were a nightmare.

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