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Posts posted by Perrier

  1. We are spending a few days in Anchorage pre-cruise. On day of cruise we want to take train to Whittier. However, may want to travel on to Spencer Whistle Stop and get off train there. Then head back to Whittier on return train. What becomes of our luggage if we do that? Is there luggage storage at the Spencer train stop?

  2. I have this package for my upcoming sailing on Oasis, for 2 devices.


    Here's what I want to do: texts between me and children, check e-mail, log on to a few various sites, Facebook; kids will want to Instagram, Snapchat, YouTube & Twitter.


    Will we be able to text anyone anywhere or just others onboard? Is there any way at all to "accidentally" rack up some charges with our cell provider?


    Thank you for any info!

  3. Is there signage outside of restuarants/food establishments indicating whether or not it is complimentary or an additional charge? I want my teens to be able to tell which restaurants they could get food at w/o incurring an additional charge. I have seen the list on the RC website, but I'd like to avoid having to memorize it.



  4. Will be sailing Oasis in June w/my 16 yr old twins. They are old enough to go about on their own, or the teen club of course. I'm wondering what is the best way to keep in contact w/them. My first thought was texting, of course. But I'm considering making this a "no phone" cruise. So, the old school "meet here at a certain time" is the only option I can think of. Other ideas?

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