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Posts posted by bzc3743

  1. My CPAP. I keep a long extension cord in case that has 3 outlets. I have a power strip in there to but find the long cord more useful on cruise ship.


    I also bring 2 reusable shopping bag that crunches up to the size of a fist. It has been used as beach bag, to carry shopping and to hold dirty laundry.


    We are an apple family so need the adapter and cord for charging.


    All these are kept in my CPAP bag when at home so never forget them. My prescription meds go in this bag also. Has a nice highly visable sign that says medical equipment.

  2. We are going to Half Moon Cay for the first time. I have seen Clam shells mentioned but do not see them on the excursion list for Carnival. Since we have both had a small spot of skin cancer we avoid being in the sun for any length of time. Are the clam shells some thing you rent after getting to the island or are they offered on board? Also I see there are several bars we have spent time lounging in a covered bar and been quite happy with being able to see the beach. The curse of being very fair skinned.

  3. I love my audio books. After being on the computer with work 8 hours+ it is nice to rest the eyes. I belong to audible.com and love it. It does alow you to download the books in different formats. You can also listen to a sample to see if the readers voice is one you want to listen too. I will say the best book I have got on audible is "Boom" by Tom Browka(sp). I have listened to this one several times and everytime catch something I hadn't caught before.


    MP3 players. I now have my 4th one. The first was a creative stone and I do still use it and do like it just needed more space. It is my smallest and is great for taking the dog for a walk. I also won one that was an off brand. It showed me you do need to stick to the ones designed for the use you want it for. The 3rd is an Ipod and I think it is great for music but not as great for my books.


    The newest is a creative zen. It is great. It does bookmark and allows for multiple book marks on multiple books. The battery life on it is great. It also allows you to increase storage size with an SD card. I have now got hooked on some free pod casts on Itunes. I like the ones from public radio. I also have acess to audio books with my library. This is a very nice service but the books do expire so need to listen to those first.

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