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Posts posted by K&JfromPDX

  1. As others have stated, you make a deposit to hold the cruise. Then, it varies by cruise line, the cruise must be paid in full by a certain date before the sailing.


    One advantage to paying in-full early is that you can start booking excursions, to ensure you get those you want. Some are certainly more popular than others and once sold out...are gone!

  2. I watched it on Netflix recently and found in informative. I recognized the hills above Barcelona's harbor, otherwise they were careful not to show the ship's name or ports in filming. The film was more about the gay cruise experience, and the men's family and personal life on shore. I've considered an gay cruise, but don't fit the body image I see on the ads. It took me 8 cruises before I took my shirt off and get in a pool!

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  3. I've always made it a point when introducing us at the dining table is to just say "Hi, I'm Jeff and this is my husband Keith". It's possible we've had people change tables the next time, but I don't worry if that was the reason. I remember on earlier cruises where we all danced around the issue for the week, now I just tell them.

  4. In our earlier cruising days we were more "closeted", and we thought no one knew! Like in life, there will be people who won't know, notice, care, or realize, you are a couple. Then, there will be people who will be horribly offended even by your sight! You can't control much about either! We have cruised together alone, and later with a single, straight, female friend. At the dinner table during introductions, we will say "and my husband.....", and let them deal with it. Changing tables is an option for everyone, and the ship will accommodate a request if possible. I feel that most people will accept others' differences, knowing they'll probably never meet again. I often bring up politics, sports, and religion knowing it will elicit an opinion for discussion. You won't change my stance, but I'll listen to yours. At the dining table, there are so many neutral subjects to discuss, one's sexual preference should, really, be last on the list. Be relaxed, and be YOURSELF. Enjoy dinner!

  5. Hi, our ship stayed overnight at St. Petersburg a few years back, so we had 2 days of tours and sight-seeing. Catherine's Palace, the Winter Palace, Peter and Paul Fortress, the Church of the Savior on Blood are incredible. I would visit again, and I urge you to choose to go as well. True, Russia is not friendly to us, but unless you are making out on the street, who will know. It's the same in many places in the US.

  6. Years ago, when we were planning our first cruise, an experienced cruiser gave us this advice: Pick out all of the clothes you FEEL you need for the cruise - leave HALF of them behind. Plan your budget - then take twice that amount to spend!


    The hardest part was in BELIEVING you wouldn't need 2-3 changes of clothes per day! You CAN wear clothes more than once - mix and match shirts & ties, and take both black and tan slacks, and perhaps more than 1 sport coat! The ships do have laundry service if necessary. My last cruise I saw a neighbor had strung a rope across their deck under the rail, as a place to hang items to dry - don't forget clothes pins!


    Bring EXTRA cheap wire hangers, as the ship never supplies enough in the closet, and leave the hangers behind at the end of the cruise.


    Bring a clock to place in your room (the one on the telephone is DIFFICULT to read). You know, vacation, you shouldn't be wearing a wrist watch anyway! Actually, a wristwatch would be handy at times, as clocks on the ship seem never to be handy (in a pinch, buy a drink, the time will be printed on the receipt!), and can be usefull to ensure getting to an event on time.


    On several early cruises we brought wine in our checked bags. Then we discovered, due to the amount we drank, it didn't make a big difference in our tab. Now, we purchase a wine package to save $$s. Compare the wines in each package, and if the only wine you'll drink is in the inexpensive package, don't buy the expensive package. The wine is available at your dinner table, OR in your room thru room service. A bottle of wine and a cheese plate is a great in-between/before-hand item!


    USE room service for BREAKFAST! IT IS SO nice NOT to rush around to get dressed and fight the crowds. For a nominal tip you can get the same food in your room, when you want it.


    INFORM your room steward, at the START of the cruise - If your cruise invovles sea days, and you KNOW you'll be recovering from partying the night before, let them know if you will/won't require morning room service on those days. They'll appreciate NOT having to wait around your room to service it. It's YOUR vacation, but the crew appreciates knowing what service YOU expect. I'm not a morning person, so I told my room steward I only needed night-time service. (Ooh, I hope that didn't come across "wrong").


    Ideas, for what's it's worth, from a 10-cruise, cruiser's input.



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