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Posts posted by kymbakitty

  1. When I first heard about the option of making specialty dinner reservations BEFORE you even set sail, I thought it was just ridiculous.


    Fast forward a couple years. I still think it is ridiculous.


    How in the world do you know if you are going to feel like a really large meal 94 days from now????


    I get planning the excursions, but planning where or what you are going to eat escapes me. Just like when people want to read the dailies.....why? Don't you want any surprises at all?


    You'll never have to worry about us beating you to the punch (online reservation).


    This goes for shows too. I once asked my husband if he wanted to see a certain show on a specific night (we were still on land at the time). He looked at me and asked me if I was joking. Then we both started laughing. Where is the spontaneity? He said, how do I know today if I feel like going to a show 125 days from now.


    Mind you, we always take two week cruises, so maybe this makes a difference...I don't know.

  2. This has changed over the years.


    We have decided that the only way to really enjoy the last day is to stay at least one more day after our cruise ends. We don't feel any of the stress getting off ship (tempers are always at peak) and just stay out of the way!!!!!!


    We get the last colored tags, and end up leaving around 10 or so. We get a taxi to the hotel, check in (if possible), and kick back and have a really nice dinner somewhere.


    Early flight back next a.m.

  3. I am sorry for your wife's recent diagnosis. It sounds like a few others here have experienced similar diagnoses and have soldered on. Hopefully you and your wife have many more cruises in your future.


    I don't understand the $100 cancellation fee? Why is that your penalty? That sounds better than most insurance policies. Especially if you consider that there was no premium paid either. That's nothing! Take it and run!!!!! Are you trying to get the $100 waived????


    Basically, people that don't buy insurance know they can handle the financial loss. No one over the age of 40 is so pompous to think that nothing could ever happen to them or their families.


    But I hope the OP doesn't feel that RCI is not compationate if they don't waive all the fees. Every single representative on the other line are thinking the same thing, "why didn't you think you should buy insurance," but their compassion prevents them from saying what they are thinking. Travel insurance isn't for the guests that typically change their mind because they can't decide what itinerary suits them best, or stubbing a toe. Travel insurance is typically for the unthinkable....worst case scenario.....awful unseen or unplanned illnesses or tragedies. So when those things happen, I just don't understand why the cruise lines would not be "compassionate" if they couldn't waive the penalties that clearly the cruisers chose to gamble when they opted to forgo the insurance.


    I am sorry you are going through this and I do hope everything turns out okay. But if (somehow) you are only being penalized $100 per person, I would think that is a really soft penalty as you could be out 100% of the total cost of the cruise. I would be thrilled if that was my only loss if I didn't buy travel insurance and had to cancel.


    Good luck to your wife....hopefully you'll both be cruising soon.



  4. Thanks!!


    I'm still a little confused about the theater seats. I know they are reserved for suites, but do they still require reservations?


    But you do need to know that if you show at minutes before the scheduled time, the suite seats will have been opened up to the general public.


    Also, I often hear that the seats are "just okay," and there are much better seats available if you get there early enough.


    If you get there 15 minutes before show time, you should be fine.



  5. Two years ago we went cruised on Carnival and did not get the package. That was the year that stressed my wife as she was worried about a bill at the end that would be larger than anticipated.....I do not remember how much it was but preferred to have it taken care of in advance to make the trip more enjoyable for her.....


    You might be able to save a lot of money and dig a little deeper into why it is that your wife gets stressed out about spending a couple hundred dollars on herself. I mean to me, it sounds like a great band-aid (for you), but wouldn't you rather find out the root cause of her anxiety for spending some of her own money?


    Truthfully, it sounds like this fix makes your vacation more enjoyable. She probably gets stressed playing off your energy.


    It's not a bad thing. I do all the budgets too, so I know the planning that goes into having a wonderful vacation with the money saved up for the vacation.


    That just jumps off the page, for me. If my husband had any anxiety about spending money, I'd want to get to the root of it. Because it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that this is the ONLY scenario this plays out, "for her."


    I could be wrong.....

  6. ....it may just be time for something new so my husband and I are considering a land vacation in Europe next fall.


    We have been doing a land vacation followed by a cruise, land vacation, cruise, for quite a few years now.


    We started doing that when I became Platinum with Marriott and Diamond with Hilton. It takes a lot more planning than a cruise, which is part of the fun. We went to Peru last fall for two weeks (Machu Picchu). We have a Oct 2015 TA booked on AOS's and I'm already having fantasies on how far $12k would go on land, especially when we've done 4 TA's.


    Decisions, decisions.

  7. We haven't eaten in the MDR for a couple cruises now. There are just too many other options and we don't schlep formal wear any more. Plus we just include the cost of alternate dining into our budget when saving up for our cruises now. There are so many things we don't spend money on anymore, so it's better than a wash (pictures come to mind).


    We just book MTD so the tips will be taken care of, we don't need to let anyone know, and it's pretty stress free.



  8. I didn't want to take the topic way off topic but I thought I should respond to this. Actually, I had worked in a service industry with direct customer interaction for most of high school and into university years. We were trained to help the customer with any issues. If it was our error, we would make sure to correct it to the satisfaction of the customer. Even if the issue was the fault of the customer, it was still our responsibility to help them resolve it.


    Most positions involve customer/client/guest services. The Executive team of any company will consider their customers in their decision introduce products or implement a policy etc. Their prime directive it to provide the customers with what they want and service they expect. Loyalty only comes with customers who feel they have been treated well. Otherwise, the business cannot succeed.


    As I mentioned, informing the guest about a cancellation asap and assisting in alternatives is a realistic expectation. If they cannot do this basic service, they don't deserve my business. If RCCL does treat me this way, I will not cruise with them again.


    I apologize to the OP for going a bit off topic, but I think it's important to explain the reason for what I said. I do not expect any OBC or gifts, just BASIC customer service...to be informed and a reasonable alternative. :)


    I get customer service. I've been a public servant for 25+ years.


    My response was from more of a compassionate position.


    It's an interesting experiment to take the same position the OP found himself in and switch out the staff with a son or daughter, or even a mother or father. It's actually quite comical because the tables turn so fast--especially from the "mama bears." It's natural, but it helps to diffuse the reactions by simply imagining that the person you are so angry with was replaced by your dad. Maybe there is a back story that you aren't privy too. If you found out this rep just lost his contract (job) 15 minutes earlier and will likely lose his house back home....would you feel more compassionate? I would also say 95% of our gripes are 1st world problems (mine included).


    My husband used to have pretty bad road rage. It was like this sweet gentle man turned into some awful brut behind the wheel. I told him to imagine that person that is driving 15 mph in front of him could be my mother and I told him to please be helpful to my mom....she's older and gets pretty scared. I can't even tell you what a difference it made.


    If you are still holding your grounds about businesses making mistakes and taking your business elsewhere--then you've missed the entire point.


    What did I learn from these posts? Not to make dinner reservations on cruise ships too early because there is obviously a flaw in their system. And given the logistics of the restaurants and headquarters where all the suits are making the decisions, I would image the staff get so irritated as well because they are on the front line--not the suits.


    Enjoy your cruise--whatever cruise line you prefer.

  9. I agree with most of what you said. I used to plan things to a T as well. But I have learned that it's not much of a vacation. However, it doesn't change my opinion because I don't feel the need to do business with a company that will treat me poorly.


    I think there was a bit of confusion. The post that you quoted was not about the OP, it was about another poster. But I still believe that offering a similar substitute would be the least they can do. I don't think they should get any OBC or other gifts. But they should assist the guests with alternatives. To expect this doesn't make me rigid and certainly I would not stand there and create a scene. As I said, if what happened to the poster (the one I quoted in my previous post) had happened to me, I would not cruise with them again. They obviously do not know how to treat their guests/customers. RCCL is not the only cruise company nor is it the only way to vacation. So I will choose other cruiselines or choose to spend my money on land vacations. Not a big deal for them, but it is a big deal for me. I don't believe I need to associate with a company who has treated me so poorly.


    And I do understand that the poster or another others will post based on their personal perspective. So, there may be more to it. But my opinion is based on what was posted.


    I have had issues as I mentioned with other business and, believe it or not, if they treated me with such disregard, I did not return. One example is an airline which we used to frequent many years ago. Long story short, we were stranded (as was a few others) with no help from the airline, coupled with blatant lies and misrepresentations, we decided to never do business with them. I don't think it was over-reacting. Our expectations are basic. We never ask for extra or expect anything other than getting the service we paid for.


    I guess it's a great thing that my family appreciates my planning. We have had some great vacations which would never have happened without the plan and some obsessive research. And every time we hear someone complain about not having been able to get reservations for dining or their preferred accommodations, my family does thank me.


    Basic expectations from those in the service industry does not make me unbending or unwilling to accept any faux pas. I have a very realistic expectation for everything I do. If I book my dining reservations months in advance and they decide that a private event is going to be held during that time, then I expect to be contacted asap with a list of possible alternatives. That's it. If they can't even do that, they don't deserve my business.


    Again, I agree that things happen. But that doesn't mean they don't have an obligation to assist. It's basic customer service.


    I am the type of traveller with whom I'd like to travel. I prefer to have plans. This would create a much more relaxing vacation. I don't have a day to day map of what to do and where to go. I have dining reservations and any other reservations needed to enjoy my day.


    I understand your advice and even appreciate it. :) I know that over planning can create a stressful vacation. But I have vacationed enough to know that if a business mistreats it's guests, it doesn't deserve my time, effort and money. And although it may sound like an over reaction, but, yes...if I was treated as poorly as the poster I quoted, I would not cruise with them again. Sorry...there are just so many other options.


    I knew I was not responding to the OP.



  10. You've made assumptions about me, so I'm make it about you. I have a feeling that you don't like to take the time to plan anything. Otherwise, someone telling you that your plans have been cancelled but they have no intention to do anything to help would get you a little upset.


    It's not the error, it's how they handled it. I don't think it was too much to ask to inform the guest before. I've travelled enough to know that it's important to make plans and reservations and have back ups in case there are issues and errors. We've had many such issues, but the difference is.....the company offered assistance because it was their error....just basic customer service.


    I would hope that if you are in customer service and made such errors, there would be an apology and a plan to fix the issue. Errors happen, it's how you handle it that counts.


    Now back to issue with the pp, when they do make these errors, do you think it was fine for them to say, "Just go to Windjammers? These people actually booked a specialty restaurant. They didn't want to eat at Windjammers....They should have offered to make a reservation with another restaurant to compensate for the lack of previous notice.


    Telling a guest that they no longer have a reservation AT the restaurant without any similar option is bad customer service! Then telling them that "I understand we cancelled your reservation and we neglected to tell you ahead of time (so you had no way of making another reservation) with absolutely no option for another specialty restaurant, but too bad, we will not be honouring the 30% OBC that we said you would be receiving since you diligently reserved ahead of time."


    Errors happen all the time. But for the sake of good customer service, something needs to be offered to help alleviate the situation...in this case, another reservation.


    A couple of things. First off, I'm a ridiculous planner. You don't have to be on a cruise, but when you book land vacations (last year's trip to Machu Picchu comes to mind because there are a lot of logistics involved) you need to be. But I love planning and I always have...probably a chunk of the fun. We usually book cruises pretty far in advance. We've had our 5th TA cruise booked for October 2015 since the itinerary was released. Ridiculous in many people's eyes, but that's okay.


    Here is what my response is based on.....many years of first hand experience where I had everything planned to a T, but then "x" happens. We had been so fortunate for so many years (no missed connections, no missing ships, really nothing).


    A few years ago, we were in Budapest and our credit union issued us new cards about two weeks before leaving. I didn't like the sound of it but I couldn't have them wait. It was already done. Long story short, out ATMs didn't work and to this day, Budapest remains a cash society. I could figure out enough to get $$ from our AMEX, but it wasn't without its challenges. I went to post office and could not convey what I was trying to do. I started to tear up....mostly out of pure frustration. A man overheard me (turned out to be a German Hungarian Embassy rep) and the kindness of that man, well, I'll just never forget. My only regret was that my husband didn't get to meet this angel. That experience touched me in a way that helped me help others in similar ways through the years. It also taught me that these bumps we experience, more often than not, are actual gifts. It all just comes with age and experience and just trying to not control (we only think we can control, but we find out we can't control anything really). I wouldn't change that ATM debokle for all the tea in China.


    I'm not saying your reservation was life changing, but it is a mindset and you need to be open. Who knows, you could meet a man in the Windjammer that could change the direction of your career! The strangest most amazing things happen when our painstaking plans get changed. But you have to be open and have a willing heart....don't fight the bumps so hard is what I'm saying.


    Lastly, and this speaks to how the OP was treated and what the RCI staff member said. Let's just say that perception plays a huge roll here. Our own personal experiences, our emotions/expectations, and various personality differences can greatly affect what the OP remembers about that exchange. After investigating complaints for many years, one thing is for sure. It is a given that if three people had the exact same scenario and subsequent conversation, there would be three different versions OF THE SAME EXCHANGE. It's actually amazing and I first saw this (never forgot it and it helped me later in life when I recalled it)...it was an episode of Fame (many are too young to recall TV show). One of the students fell off stage, and the event was seen by all. Each one of the students were required to tell that old man (see his face, but can't recall name). Everyone had a different story but yet no one was lying. I will never forget that. And boy did that come in handy in my chosen profession.


    So someone else having the same experience might have reported the WJ comment completely different (or not even recall or think it important enough to remember) because of their own life experience. So when the other posters suggest being in a different place (not a try) and receiving a bottle of wine (when you got nothing other than being offended), perhaps their reaction to the same situation allowed the gentleman to go down a whole other avenue. He might have felt your anger and felt he needed to defend, who knows.


    Things are always going to happen that we didn't want....or so we thought we didn't want. But now, when I get stuck behind someone in a line or car, I relax. I remind myself that if I forced my way through and tried to change course, I may not like the end result.


    I'm still a planner. I always will be. And most things go according to plan. But when they don't, I'm reminded that I'm not driving this bus and there could be something in store for me that I couldn't have dreamed of....and it really opens your heart. It also makes you an awesome person to travel with.


    I'm sure I lost 95% of the reviewers by now and the ones that are still here probably have their dukes up ready to call me Pollyanna. But that's okay.


    Enjoy whatever experiences your vacation offers. And be the type of traveler that you would like to travel with. No one will ever have to walk on eggshells just hoping they don't experience any glitches because the love of their life can't figure out how to navigate these little nuisances.



  11. That's horrible!


    We are going on our first RCCL cruise next year and if we experienced anything like that, I would not cruise with them again. I pre-plan for a reason. I understand things change, but upsetting all those people who had reservation for that venue in order to accommodate a private function show very little respect for it's guests.


    Hum. Interesting. You, your parents, brothers/sisters, and/or children must not work in a service industry where to err is human but to really mess things up takes a computer.


    There aren't enough cruise lines afloat today to keep you on the high seas with unrealistic expectations such as a lousy restaurant reservation mix up (which is kind of funny given that there are so few places to eat on a cruise ship).


    Part of being an awesome traveling partner is being able to ebb and flow with the little bumps in the road. Bouncing back from a minor setback. Not being so rigid with a human error that you say you'll never cruise with them again....how would the rest of your cruise look if that happened on day one?


    If it was your spouse or child that made the error, would that make you a bit more forgiving?


    You'll learn to take things in stride....you'll have to or you may have to go on vacation alone.

  12. The only time I've ever confirmed that the room stewards actually paid attention was one time when the steward looked at that I'm 14 years older than my partner and decided that the "together" arrangement must be wrong. We asked him to fix it, gave him five bucks to assure him we weren't mad, and collapsed into laughter once he was out of the room and down the hall.


    I'm sorry......I'm probably the only one that doesn't get this statement.


    I'm 14 years younger than my DH and no one considers anything is off...of course he looks great for his age. But 14 years isn't that many years to where people assume you wouldn't be a couple unless you are 14/28.


    I'm missing something....I think.

  13. There are those that book based on ship (cruise line), then itinerary. And there are also folks that book the same cruise over and over again.


    But a lot of folks book by itinerary, then by cruise line, so you are in good company.


    For us, we'll probably never cruise on the same ship, no matter how great the itinerary (too many ships to experience).


    But we've cruised RCI, Princess, Celebrity, HAL and even Carnival.



  14. It doesn't have to make sense to you.You worrying about what other people do, doesn't make sense to other people.:)


    You are funny.


    I'm not worried about what you or anyone else does....


    Did you accidentally stumble on a MESSAGE BOARD that is littered with various views and opinions? Because that's what this is....


    Just as helpful and/or as useless as what you added.



  15. You never write a check? Ever? I ordered 250 checks 5 years ago and am only through the first 100, but sometimes you have to. And I'm well under 70.:p


    Haven't written out a check since I can't remember when. I work with a bunch of 20-30 year olds. Not a single one of them has ever ordered a box of checks.


    A couple of them told me that if they HAVE to use check, they have their bank/credit union issue for them for free.

  16. I tend to agree with the theory that a lion's share of the passengers that remove the autotip, only to end up giving the EXACT amount in cash, are few. It dawned on me that there could only be a couple reasons why someone would bother doing this and tip the same amount.


    It could be a generational thing. Once in a blue moon, I see someone writing out a check. Granted, these folks are at least 70 years old and technology still makes them queasy. It's a control thing and many people feel an overall sense of loss of control, that any opportunity to have it is taken.


    The other is likely an ego thing. There are just those folks that feel grander when handing someone cash. Nothing wrong with that, but that desire to be the cash giver probably has nothing to do with age....more where they are in their community, status in family, and of course, family history. I bet these folks rarely leave the envelope in room, etc., because that would defeat the purpose and they would be robbed of the feeling THEY get when giving tips (yes, this action is about the way it makes THEM feel and has little or nothing to do with the server).


    Or why else would someone bother (if they really are going to GIVE JUST AS MUCH)? It doesn't make any sense. There is always emotions tied to what people do and the act of handing cash....person to person.....is filled with lots of various emotions--the good, the bad and the ugly.

  17. Our cruises are a minimum of 2 week cruises. We've never learned the art of packing light, even though we haven't taken tux/gowns, but we still have at least 4 bags....two very heavy ones.


    Hubby usually gives $10 for them all, but has given $20 when porters have had to walk pretty far with our bags (usually leaving, and taxi is pretty far away).


    I just asked him about the $1 a bag theory and he said that was 40 years ago and that's airport handlers, not luxury cruise line handlers.



  18. The salad will definitely end up being your meal....even if that's not your initial intention.


    We were on 14 day cruise, had MTD and this is the ONLY time we stepped foot into the MDR.


    I have a new favorite lower fat dressing that comes in to go single serve packets. I take it with me everywhere I go. I love it and I'm picky about my dressing (can make or break salad, for me anyway).


    OPA Greek Feta Dill.....the bomb!!!!!

  19. It sounds like a lot of ships, but it's just another day at FLL's port!


    After leaving that port for more cruises than I can count, this shouldn't even almost make your top 10 list of things to think about.


    We used to stay at hotels that had shuttle to the pier, but we never even took one! When my husband walked over to one and saw that it was packed to the gills, I knew he was not going to get on it. Turns out, cabs are so plentiful and cheap, that we'll never bother with a shuttle again.


    Now we just stay where we want to (usually Renaissance by Marriott) and just have DH go ask doorman to get us a cab while I'm checking us out. Cab is there when we walk out. You don't even need to do it ahead of time (yes, there are that many cabs available).



  20. Not my question.

    I know the tips for MTD are prepaid. How does MY server each night get HIS/HER share? Do they scan my sea pass card or are the tips split evenly? How do they keep track of who eats where so the proper person can get their fair share?


    I don't know if it's possible.


    There are many folks that select MTD and rarely step foot into MDR. I know because we seldom go and have found out that there are plenty of folks like us.


    Our last 14 day cruise, we went to lunch once (salad bar). Never went for breakfast, dinner, or lunch other than the one time.


    So I have no idea how they would know who to tip. I just know we are covered for everywhere we eat on the ship.



  21. I had to chuckle when I read this part....does anyone ever still attend those after they've been on a couple cruises? What's the point? Shake the hand of the man that is responsible for "driving" our ship? Why?


    We never understood the appeal to this....certainly it's not for the free bottom line drinks...if you can even find a waiter.


    I don't miss the buffets either. Quite frankly, I always had a really hard time staying up until midnight...even in my early years. I'm such a morning person....can't seem to help or change that.


    I do like really nice running paths and nice gyms, but I've been working out regularly for many years and by the looks of the exercise facilities on cruise ships, I'm in good company.


    I do look forward to the changes....we have many years of cruising ahead of us....God willing.



  22. Do NOT put your HOME address on anything....all that does is tell someone that you are NOT home! Take a photo of your cell # and business address! This applies to cameras AND luggage!


    Thank you for posting this.


    Either the OP was just kidding, or had no idea just what "doors" that information could open.


    Everyone reading it probably thought the same thing....but they may have just been baiting the board. I don't think anyone took that seriously....but thanks for posting.



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