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Posts posted by alipali

  1. Yes londongal you are right the family allways smirk when they see how much I stuff into my carry-on. One day I am sure I will have the last laugh. Btw terry2 was right about flybe. I got it wrong we are BA to Heathrow hopefully that will lessen the odds of something going missing.

  2. Thank you people. My main concern is flybe ex Newcastle- Heathrow about one and a half hours between flights no time to collect then check in luggage The rest of the family reassure me that it is checked in all the way but what do they know lol I don't know but Ithought flybe had some sort of tie in with ba but now not so sure.

  3. We have flights booked with r/c. Flying from Newcastle upon Tyne-Heathrow-Miami overnight stay in Miami. Following morning Miami-San Juan. Our flights are with Flybe, American Airlines, American Airlines.

    Return San Juan-New York-Heathrow-Newcastle upon Tyne no overnight stay, flights with American Airlines, Ba, Flybe. What happens with the luggage? Please forgive my ignorance never flown multiple airlines before.

  4. Having never ever been on multiple flights or airlines what happens to the luggage? We have booked flights with r/c. Newcastle-Heathrow-Miami stop overnight in Miami. Following morning Miami-San Juan.

    Return San Juan-New York-Heathrow-Newcastle (no overnight stops)

    Flights over with Flybe, American Airlines,American Airlines.

    Return with American Airlines, BA, Flybe.

    Have been on many one stop flights feel so :o asking the question.

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