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Posts posted by JohnMI

  1. 21 hours ago, dbrucern said:

    It's all in the HUB, top left 3 lines click and one of the options is my account will show every thing from what you spent to OBC. 


    Did you read the rest of the thread above?  As I explained, we figured that out and there was nothing listed there for me because Carnival screwed it up and did not apply any of my OBC.  I then waited in a Virtual Queue for 30+ hours to get a chance to talk to someone -- which also never worked.


    I then used the email instead to contact them while on the ship -- and got a reply email 5 days later -- after leaving the ship, of course -- saying to go to the ship's desk or use the virtual queue.  Nice work, Carnival!  🙂

  2. I am curious if anyone else has used the "Virtual Queue" feature in the HUB App?  The idea is that you don't have to stand in line to get help -- you just "check in" to the virtual queue and then they let you know when it is your time to come down to the desk to chat in person.  You have ten minutes to get there once it is your turn.


    Today, around 11am, there were maybe 10 people in line, so I thought that I'd try it out and checked in to the virtual queue.  It confirmed that I was checked in and that they'd let me know when it was my turn.


    It is now 5pm -- so, that was 6 hours ago.  The app still confirms that I am "checked in" for the queue and waiting for my turn...  🙂


  3. On 8/9/2021 at 3:30 PM, Honolulu Blue said:

    I'll have to scan reports on the Magic to see if anyone wandered there, since it just started sailing a few days ago.  The Dream isn't sailing yet, so we'll have to wait and see.

    I am on the Magic right now.  They did announce that both casinos are open -- smoking and non-smoking.  (They are even on different decks.)  Just to answer your question.  🙂


    Also, as far as enforcement goes right now on the Magic...  There isn't much.  We wear are mask and it appears to be much more often than most.  We've ridden in the elevators many times already with people who were not wearing masks.  They are not wearing them even in crowds on the Lido deck pool area (I don't mean IN the pool, of course, but even for any gatherings there).  There DOES appear to be a guy standing at each entrance to the buffet -- he may be reminding people to wear their masks as they enter, but I couldn't say for sure.  I can say that, once inside, lots of people are in the buffet lines without their masks one and I've seen no one be told to mask up.

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 1
  4. 1 hour ago, ray98 said:


    Handwashing stations have little to do with preventing COVID.

    The CDC still disagrees with you:




    As do others: https://www.popsci.com/science/hand-washing-prevents-covid-delta/


    Yes, I know that the main vector is not contact like this -- but this is a situation where you go from touching something that literally hundreds of people have touched recently -- and then almost immediately probably putting your hands in/near your mouth repeatedly.  It is not your "Covid doesn't spread much via contact" situation.  And the science supports this.  So, yes, handwashing DOES have an impact in preventing COVID transmission in this situation.


    Secondary to that, cruises have had many issues in the past with other transmissible things such as Norovirus.  Therefore, as I said in my original post, I think this is a good idea IN GENERAL and not just because of Covid.


    On a side note, on the Magic today, the two handwashing stations I tried were both out of soap.  So, yeah, great job there...

    • Like 3
  5. Ok, so, that's my problem then -- as expected, Carnival did not apply either of the OBCs.  My Account Summary page shows only a $3.52 credit due to some small refund for port expenses (probably because we were originally supposed to go to Bimini, I think, and that was removed from our itinerary a while back).


    So, my real issue is that Carnival didn't apply my credits -- which is what I was afraid of (and made another post about previously where "it'll just show up when you get there" was how it ended.  😞  It did not show up -- so I'll continue waiting in the queue for Guest Services, I guess...

  6. So, I'm on the Magic right now -- and I do think that Carnival is "following protocols" in general.  I'm not overly worried or anything.  That being said, I am a bit disappointed at the lack of hand washing or sanitizing stations.  It looks like there is just one at each entry door to the buffet area.  (And, I've literally seen maybe 5 or less people even use them.)  What I'd much rather see is several stations throughout the buffet area -- or, heck, just one at the END of the buffet line.  The idea should be that after you've had to touch everything else in line, let people clean up a bit before they sit down and touch their food.


    Note that that isn't just a Covid thing.  This should, IMO, just be the standard for trying to prevent Covid or Norovirus or anything else on a ship (or any buffet for that matter) -- just have some hand sanitizing stations before AND AFTER the buffet line...

    • Like 2
  7. So, without going to Guest Services (I've been in the Virtual Waiting queue for QUITE a while now and I'd rather go swimming...), is there a way to check your OBC balance somewhere?  Seems like it would be great to have it in the HUB App or in my account somewhere, but I can't find anywhere to check my current balance.  Does this show up anywhere to check?  (Note that it is NOT listed on my documents -- my PVP said that this was normal for the $100 "didn't cancel the cruise due to Covid" credit -- and for the $50 extra credit that we're supposed to get for being booked in a wedding party.)  So, basically, I should have $150 -- and I'd just like to confirm that somewhere without waiting 2 hours for Guest Services...



  8. On 7/11/2021 at 7:09 AM, lobster1313 said:


    The $100 OBC was in my S&S account on the ship.


    Just to note it, mine was not.  Not the extra $100 that I was promised for not cancelling -- and not the $50 that we were promised under the wedding group that we signed up under.  I'm on the ship now -- waiting in the virtual queue to talk to Guest Services...  I guess we'll see how this goes.

  9. So, I cruise on the Magic on the 12th and was trying to complete online check-in for my wife and I today.  I fill in all of the info and get to the very end where it gives the "check-in summary".  On that page, it shows both of us as "incomplete".  If I pop open the summary for each of us, everything has a green check next to it.  I filled in everything that it asked.  If I go and print my booking summary, it shows "Online Check-in Status: Complete" for both of us -- but on the website itself, it doesn't.  It won't let me print boarding passes because it says I haven't completed the check-in for everyone yet -- even though, again, it shows both my wife and I have fully completed everything.


    Any suggestion on how to correct this?  I mean, I can call, but was curious if there was just something obvious that I'm overlooking?


    I did try logging out and back in again.

  10. I am so very curious about WHY they tested people who were "vaccinated passengers with little or no symptoms."  It would only make sense to test them if they were known exposed to someone else who tested positive.  So, did they have one passenger who WAS symptomatic -- who got tested and was positive -- so they then did some contact tracing basically?


    Again, I'm just curious how it got to the point were several vaccinated passengers who sound like they were pretty much asymptomatic were tested for some reason...

    • Like 5
  11. Anyone else keep getting the same email very couple of days about VIFP amenities?  Just seems odd.  Subject for mine are all "VIFP RED GUESTS UPDATE" -- so it seems like it might be important.  Then I look at it and it is just telling me that, as a VIFP Red, I can pick up my free "1.5L Bottled Water" from any bar because they won't just put it in my room any more due to the new safety protocols.


    Again, not a big deal -- just seemed odd when I first got the second one a day after the first -- and then today I just got the identical 5th one in the past 10 days or so.  🙂

  12. 3 hours ago, TerReuv said:


    Beat me to it.  I always keep all of my emails for this very reason and I even print out the one with the OBC just in case.  I agree - we shouldn't have to jump through hoops just to see our OBC.

    Note that I also keep all of my emails.  But, in this case, as I explained above, there was no email for the $100 OBC bonus.  It was simply stated on a web page when you went to check the status of your cruise last month.

    • Like 1
  13. To clarify, the GPS in your phone has nothing to do with the location a web site or service detects you as being from.  As explained above, it has to do with whatever ground-based provider is connecting the satellite internet connection to the ships.  So, everything will appear to be from that ground-based internet provider to Netflix or any other site that you are on.  But, again, that has absolutely nothing to do with what your phone determines is your location using GPS.

  14. Yeah, I don't really mind that they get something.  I just wish it was more of a situation where it isn't so tied together.  I wish it was more just like a referral code anywhere else -- where they get credit for me booking because of the group -- but once that happens, my account is my account and everything is separated.  I just don't like that it is still tied to the group -- that she gets all my info -- and it even says it was booked by her when that isn't what happened at all.  Just give a referral code that gives her credit for all that book under her referral and be done with it.


    But, she also arranges dining plans and where we all sit -- so I guess there is more to it -- but they could still allow all that without it being as if she booked us all and sending my info to her...


    Oh well.  No biggie, I guess.

  15. Yeah, to be honest, the whole "group booking" thing is pretty poorly done and I'm not a fan.  Basically, someone goes "Hey!  We're going to have a big group on the cruise due to a wedding" and they get assigned a PVP for that.  But then we all have to call them (instead of our usual PVP) and book it -- and give them some group code to get "group rates."  In the 3 times I have done this, my normal Carnival VIPF (or whatever) deal has been a better price.  It will, at least, let you book under your own deal if it is cheaper -- you just have to call and give them your group number so that the group leader gets "credit" for it being part of your group.  I guess they get some agreed-upon bonus for all of us (like $50 OBC per room -- or some free wine -- or whatever).


    Then they send all of my booking details to the person that created the group!  They got emailed my confirmation, my booking number, how much I paid, whether or not I pre-paid gratuities, my room type and even room number, and so on.  It even says that it was "booked by" them even though I booked it normally and just gave them the group number to track it with.


    And, now, as I said, it appears it makes my documents weird since they don't even show what I paid and such.  It's pretty funny that my docs don't show it -- but they had no problem emailing it all to someone else on my behalf!  🙂


    So, yes, not a fan of the "group" thing for cruising.  Just seems like a big hassle so that someone else gets some free wine or extra OBC...

  16. 1 hour ago, kdr69 said:

    it should be on second page of your docs in the box below itemized charges as below


    "All prices quoted in USD Onboard Credit: 500.00

    So, just to note it, my 2nd page doesn't list any itemized charges.  I don't know if it is because we're part of a wedding group or what.  It just says "As Agreed" (see attached image).


    But, definitely doesn't list any OBC.




  17. 1 hour ago, lobster1313 said:

    That OBC won't show up till you actually get on the ship.

    Ok, so that is indeed normal then?  Just feels weird that I have nothing that says it, you know?  It was listed on their website, but I didn't think to take a screenshot of it, so I literally have nothing stating that I'll get it.  Just wanted to know if I was going to have an issue before I got on, I guess.  🙂


    Thanks though -- at least now I know that it might be correct still.

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