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Posts posted by LittleMissS

  1. Hi Stac! (You spell your name wrong! I'm a Stac too!)


    Loved your review! It made me think of my Med. cruise last summer! A tually, I think we missed each other by a few days! (I was on Royal Caribbean but was in Monacco a few days befor the Prince was married) I was at many of the same ports as you (except Sicily...we were in Ephesus and Santorini instead), and did many of the same things as you (especially with RIL). In fact many of your photos look similar to mine! (yours are better)


    For anyone who hasn't gone on a Med. Cruise, you arent going for the ship but for the ports. It's physically exhausting, but worth it. Prepare to spend more money--Europe is expensive! I can say I had sticker shock when it came to excursions, but you get what you pay for. That being said, happy I went with RIL...we only had 4 in our group so it was more expensive, but worth it.


    Would love to do it again, but there are too many places I'd like to visit. Headed back to Paris again in June (this will be my 2nd time). Reading your review made me excited to go!

  2. MAHA-


    Take a lot of photos in Barca...I did last summer. The architecture is amazing! I have a larger point and shoot, which I wore around my neck. I had my hand on it at all times. (mainly b/c I was afraid the strap would break...I didn't use anything special)


    I read up on all of the safety issues and ways to keep myself safe. In fact, I was probably a little paranoid. I had ZERO issues while I was there (4 days). Was I aware of my surroundings? As a woman, I am always aware. Did I carry cash on me? Yes. I carried a Pacsafe bag (it was not uncomfortable...Metro 200, I think), but they aren't foolproof. Was my hand constantly on the strap of the bag (which I wore crossbody)? Yes.


    I think you have to be aware and have some common sense. If you're walking somewhere that feels sketchy, be VERY aware of your belongings. (or leave that area) Don't keep thing in your picket. Take the bare minimum. I too go to NYC frequently (going next weekend). I'd say that I'm definitely more aware of my belongings in Europe...but you don't have to go overboard.

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