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Posts posted by klmprr

  1. There is a difference betweeen an infant crying for a brief period, and a child screaming their head off for the entire flight and the parents doing absolutely nothing to help the situation. While you may think a screaming child is cute, others don't have to agree.



    I agree....I have never been in the experience when my child has cried and I haven't been trying to help the situation...never thought it was cute, in fact as mortified as could be.


    I also agree that traveling is not the ideal situation for an infant and have left my infant home with family while we travel with older children...but please realize that there are times that there is no option but to fly with infants....in our sad instance flying to a loved one's funeral. Just standing up for the parents that do respect others and try to keep our children in line at all times.


    Just my 2 cents not flaming anyone, just pointing out the other side of the fence

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  2. I hate disembarking.


    I hate when people have no compassion for the infant crying in the airplane seat for a brief period as if they were brought on the plane just to annoy others.


    I hate unruly children in the pool that have no parents around to discipline them as they are jumping on top of and splashing my children.

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