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Posts posted by cookie1961

  1. Hi all,


    We were in Bermuda on Summit the week of May 22/11. We didn't go to Horseshoe Bay on Wednesday but people did tell us that they were able to rent chairs. DH and I were planning to go on the Thursday and since we were pretty sunburned, it was important for us to get an umbrella and chairs. Anyway, we went on the Thursday and were got there early enough but because of the wind, they were NOT renting the umbrellas but only the chairs. So just be aware that if it is windy, you may not be able to rent an umbrella. We were renting chairs though :)


    Enjoy. Bermuda was sooooooooo wonderful :)

  2. sm simba thanks so very much for doing ALL that work. I really appreciate it. I have been trying to go through this whole thread to try and find a hotel for our precruise Christmas stay. You have certainly made it very easy.


    Thanks again and here's another BIG VIRTUAL KISS!!!!!



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