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Posts posted by Greeneyedbernie

  1. Depending on the ages of people in your group, it might be safer/cheaper to park at a train station in NJ and take the commuter train into Penn Station.


    Union and Hamilton Stations both have overnight parking for $6-7 per day, and one way train tickets are $15 at most.


    Also, no NYC traffic driving.


    Just a thought :)

  2. We just havent found something that everyone will enjoy.


    Son would love to zipline - but i am terrified of heights and bridges so there is no way that is happening.......


    Some of us would like to try cave tubing, but the non swimmers of fearful of doing that...............


    We really are beach people, but the island excursion seems to be so short and far away for the price............


    Some of the other excursions dont really have great reviews so hesitant over them.



    Maybe i can get the not so great swimmers more confident and they will get off a boat to snorkel in the ocean (didnt happen in Grand Cayman over the Christmas holidays - they stayed on the boat, so wasnt really all that great with 2 of us in the water and 2 of us on the boat)


    I too am terrified of heights but decided to take one for the team and try zip lining in St Lucia on my honeymoon. To my surprise, it wasn't that bad. You are really strapped in pretty well and tend to look out over the views rather than straight down. I would encourage you not to rule it out :) I had a mini freak out, but after my first zip I ran on adrenaline the rest of the trip and didn't notice the bridges or heights afterwards :)

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