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Posts posted by carrolls2

  1. It is August 27, 2017 and we have just returned from the Croatia journey on Vantage La Perla.


    Good parts: the staff was exceptional, program manager, step on guides and bus transportation awesome.


    Not so good: we were in room 9, on the ground floor. These rooms on the ground floor are very, very confining. The shower is wicked small, the windows do not open. There was a 'plumbing problem on our second day where the shower was filled with standing water. That left a stench in our room for sure. It was fixed, or so they said. Then, there was a worse stench coming from the a.c., which traveled down the hall as So, you can imagine between the smell and suffocating hot room it was not pleasant for the journey. There were no other rooms available. I could have slept on a couch upstairs, but the bathroom would have been 2 floors down...and I'm up at night 2X.


    The food was pretty good except for the fried chicken breast, wanna be's fried shrimp and a tough veal chop. So avoid these other fish was awesome. Breakfasts and lunch were better, great salad.


    We took the extension to Montenegro, it was nice. I do need to warn you, because you will be crossing borders there can be a long wait. (so, after leaving the ship it is a 3 hour drive) Meaning we got there late afternoon, had a tour and dinner, next day tour and had to be up at 4 a..m. to cross the border and catch our flight home. So, unless you have a burning desire to take the extension ...


    Also, there are no sandy beaches, so bring water shoes.


    Have a great time if you go, push for an upgrade to the second deck with windows that open, a shower you can turn around in, and a good night sleep. Again, the staff was the best part!

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