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Posts posted by CoffeeAndTulips

  1. My 18 and 7 y.o. will be joining me on a cruise next July. The 7 y.o. wears a backpack to carry her medication pumps (which will be running 18 hours/day). During the life-vest drill, does the backpack go inside or outside the vest? (please don't roll your eyes - we've never put one on!)


    On Formal Night, I planned to have us eat elsewhere, because I picture "Formal" as "no kids".....is this how it is done on cruises with limited children aboard? We will be on the Ocean Princess for an 18 day "Land of the Midnight Sun and North Cape" voyage.


    Thank you for the previous tips!

  2. Thank you so much for all of the information and time it took to gather your thoughts and send it to me! I have found further travel tips on www.oley.org - an organization specifically for people with GT (Gastric Tubes) and IV TPN (permanent IV's in the chest for Total Parenteral Nutrition).


    Norway is for my 18 year old son. It is his dream vacation for graduation. I adopted my little girl after being her nurse in Peds ICU - so, the "medical" part of her condition isn't stressful at all for me (many, many years of this type of care under my belt!) The logistics of actually boarding a couple of planes and a cruise are the overwhelming part! I haven't flown for 20+ years (chicken!), and never cruised past 3 days to Encenada! I love living vicariously through CruiseCritic reviews - but, I hope to be a contributor some day!



  3. Yes, she's on an 18 hour TPN cycle (short gut). Unfortunately, it is a large volume (2000ml each day) and needs refrigeration. I wasn't sure if medical refrigerators could be arranged in the medical section of the ship, or if only small fridges were available. I know of other TPNer's who have done the Disney cruise without problems, but, that was from a local port - and, pre-arranged by the Pharmacy we use. Thank you for your input. It helps to have these obstacles pointed out, so that I can either find a way or change our destination!

  4. My daughter has a permanent IV in her chest, and carries the IV fluid and the little pumps for them in a tiny cartoon backpack on her back. She is completely mobile with this set-up - in fact, most people don't have a clue she has medication running from the backpack (they assume she's on the way to school!) So, no poles are necessary ;). I'm an RN - so, no other medical back-up would be expected or necessary - unless there is an emergency, in which case we'd go to a hospital.


    For our extensive road trips, I just put everything I need in the car and have our Pharmacy mail supplies to our destinations every couple of weeks. I wasn't aware that medical supplies in a suitcase wouldn't count as part of the baggage. I'll keep researching, and appreciate any further input!


    Thank you!

  5. I would like to book a summer 2011 tour of the Norwegian Coast with my 2 kids. My 7 year old is hooked up to IVs 18 hours a day. I need some ideas on how to best get the IV solutions from California to Norway? I'm getting overwhelmed with the thought of multiple plane transfers to get to Bergan while lugging a giant suitcase of just IV medications. I would appreciate hearing from others about what they do to safely transport medications to their ships.


    Thank you!

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