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Posts posted by TedR

  1. I recently flew out of JFK to the next island over (STT). As others have mentioned it's a very busy airport. We stayed at the Sheraton airport hotel and the shuttle dropped us off at our gate, however I was assuming we'd get dropped off at federal circle where you have to take an air train to your terminal. We came back this way and it was a mess so I'm grateful for the way we came in. We alloted ourselves 2 hrs and we're glad we did because Delta didn't know what the heck they were doing at the ticketing counter. Had a mix up with my wife's married name and has 2 separate entries and was an hour long mess. They also changed our nice cushy direct flight on the way back to a connecting flight in Atlanta with a several hour layover and coming in at midnight. We live in Delaware with a 2.5 hr commute and have a toddler. Anyway, my point is you never know what issues you'll run into.



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  2. I've considered La Barrachina years ago for this very reason, but ended up not doing this. I have been to the restaurant though and it's very nice (place where they invented the pina colada). As for the area, I absolutely love San Juan and have been there quite a few times. I've always felt it to be very clean and safe. Even late at night. There's not too many places I feel this way about.



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  3. Hi Everyone,


    We'll be sailing out on the Carnival Dream on 2/26/17 which is during the last weekend of Mardi Gras. We were hoping to catch the 11am parade (Krewe of Okeanos) that goes down St. Charles Ave. It seems to be a 1 mile walk from the cruise port. I have a few questions...


    1. Our boarding time is at noon. Do you think it will be an issue parking at the terminal a few hours earlier? In other words, I know the cruise is probably off loading passengers in the morning. Will they turn us away until closer to our boarding time?


    2. The area seems nice enough and since it's a cruise port I'm assuming it's pretty easy to walk into town. I can't quite tell from google maps, but I think it looks like there are catwalks from the parking area into the convention center? Can I exit out via the convention center?


    3. How crazy do you think it will be getting to this area on Sunday? It was pretty hard getting a hotel the night before close to the port, so we're staying about 50 min. outside close to Baton Rouge in a town called Gonzalez. We're planning to arrive pretty early. But I'm not sure what to expect with it being Mardi Gras and all. Will it be full on grid lock? Do you think parking at the cruise terminals will be complicated?


    Thanks in advance!



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