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Posts posted by bobpaula

  1. I'm compelled to comment, though I know it will go badly for me! Funniest thread I've ever read. Can't wait to be aboard Pride in April.


    I am bringing one sport coat, or maybe my only suit (though I said I'd not wear it again until my funeral)...but probably not both. Fellow travelers will have to get used to me in it every night or toss me overboard.


    Or maybe I will eat in my room a lot! Traveling light compels it, as I have to drag DW's bag as well. Let's all TRY to have a good time...that's why we're here isn't it! ---Bob---

  2. Hi. I'm slow to find this site. Third cruise ever and moving up to Seabourn. They say once on board I won't go on any other line! Have booked Pride for April, Dubai to Rome. Would love to have a coupon and share the wealth back at someone. Already made final payment though. Don't know if I can still claim the credit. Email in my signature. ---Bob---

  3. I read the tradition of Smörgåsbord is disappearing, except at major holidays, but remember vaguely (Hard to believe but I was young then!) of my grand-parents putting them on back in Iowa.


    I had wanted to relive this memory of endless Herring and meats and cheeses and such. The Grand Hotel still does one in the evening. Does anyone know if (and how badly) out of place we might feel if we came neatly dressed straight from a day of sightseeing? Or might we not be admitted at all? Of course, we would not wear shorts or tanks or tee's...but not jackets or dresses either!


    Months ago I believe I saw that one of the Skansen restaurants (Sollidens perhaps?) held one (From Noon to 4PM I think.) Now I can't find that information, and Skansen's website's info is dismal, as they say the English version of restaurant info is under construction. I think that's where I saw it originally. Anyone done this or seen it this season?


    Any other ideas for me? Thanks in advance. ---Bob Anderson, half Swede, half mutt!---

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