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Posts posted by josefina022

  1. My daughter was 2 weeks shy from turning 2 and they would not let her enroll. This year my nephew is coming, he's 5 and my daughter is 6 and we're hoping they can stay together, but don't want them to get their hopes up. If they move the 5 year old up, my 3 year old will be left alone and she won't like that. But, my 6 year old probably doesn't want to stay in the 2-5 group, such tough calls!

  2. I've be researching these boards like crazy and agree with so many posts about hotels being expensive! I am looking to book 3 rooms in April and cannot find many "good" hotels for under $200. We are flying in and not landing until 9:00 pm, so by the time we get our luggage, get to the hotel, etc. it will be late and we'll be leaving in the am for the cruise. Hate paying close to $200 for a hotel room for about 12 hours. Was wondering if anyone has any suggestions, Thanks!

  3. Has anyone ever driven from the Fort Myers airport to the Fort Lauderdale (port Everglades) port? It's not ideal, but I'm finding better direct flights to fort Myers. We'd be getting in late the night before the cruise, but figured we could get a hotel near the airport & drive the 2 hours to the port in the morning.

  4. I am so very sad for your loss. We cruised together on the Dream repositioning cruise. I haven't been on the boards in awhile (I was researching like crazy on a different site because we planned a last minute trip to Disney). I came back to the boards & was looking for recent reviews (I just LOVE reading cruise reviews) & was shocked & so sad to see this :(. I am very happy to hear that you still went on the trip, that is what your dad would have wanted & it sounds like you have a great support group! Looking forward to reading your review but will definitely miss your dads smiling face in the pictures! Hugs & prayers during this difficult time.

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