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Posts posted by ryleigh

  1. Started a new thread on the Carnival site about Splendor due I couldn't find this particular thread. Please excuse and thanks for all the info and thanks to the OP who gave me this link! You all have been a plethora (second time I've used that word today) of information.


    Glad you did-it led me here! Thanks

  2. Please listen to a Provost of a University, as well as a parent of a college aged child. Don't do it. A semester is only 13-14 weeks. Your daughter will be missing significant time. I know many of my Professors would not tolerate this absense and the work can not be made up easily. Also, if she is part of a "group project" her team will be hindered as well-and believe me her peers will "rat her out" as not pulling her weight in a group. I use groups as examples because a lot of Freshman classes utilize group work for team building. Many classes have projects that are due weekly, as well as quizes weekly. Many Freshman English classes have journaling that is due weekly and many due daily as well. Yes, many Professors expect work to be turned in electronically, BUT why risk your daughter not being able to have her work submitted while on a ship.

    And as a parent, why would you want to have your daughter miss college? This is the greatest time of her life. What if she wants to rush a Sorority? What if she wants to write for the school newspaper? What if she has the best roommates in the world and doesn't want to miss that bonding time? This is her time to SOAR, to find herself, to have professors learn her name, to meet a cute guy, to hate the food, to gossip late at night with a roommate, to cry because she is worried she did horribly on a test/paper. She will have many more birthdays mom, but missing that much time at University is very much frowned upon.

    Just my 2 cents, but and "educated" 2 cents

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