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Posts posted by Thrillrider39

  1. Thanks for the information glituner32! Interesting that the resort was so empty, although this might change between Christmas and New Years. I was thinking that the $20 extra for lunch isn't worth it, so we'll probably skip that too (or share one meal).

  2. Well, I think the "50% off walk-in rate" only applies to those wishing to book a room for the day - so half off the hotel's rack rate to use a room from 9 - 6. This would be considered the 'day use' rather than the 'day pass'. I think the day pass is firm at $30 (or $50 with lunch).

  3. I contacted the Melia (former Sheraton) via email regarding the day pass rates and received the following reply:


    The Melia Day Pass and Day Use rates are as follows:


    Day Pass $30 per adult

    Day Pass with Lunch $50.00 per adult

    Day Pass with Buffet $75.00 per adult

    Children pay25% off the adult price


    Day Use – 9am to 6pm

    50% of the walk in rate.


    So it appears that the 'Day Pass with Lunch' has increased from $40 to $50, making this particular option less attractive (depending upon of course the value of the lunch options!). I had not asked about the 'Day Use' rates, but this was included in the response. I guess this is the rate that one would pay for a room for the day, including access to the resort's amenities (that are included with the Day Pass).


    I am curious to hear if anyone else has gotten a different response from the hotel on these day passes. We are heading there in about a week so I'll be happy to report back about our experience!

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