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Posts posted by Doug6388

  1. My sister and I were unfortunate enough to also be passengers on the Rhine River cruise that was affected by the floods. I explained to two different customer service reps that a voucher for another cruise was unacceptable to us because this trip was on my sister's "Bucket List." She has cancer and this was going to be her last big vacation. I went along just to please my sister and to be able to spend a week one on one with her. Imagine our disappointment when the trip turned out to be a disaster. The last rep I spoke with said to have my sister mail in documentation from her doctor re: her situation. My sister called me today and read the letter she received from her doctor, stating that she has late stage metatastic renal cell carcinoma and her prognosis is terminal. Needless to say, this was very hard to hear, although in our hearts we knew her situation is dire. But it was heartbreaking to hear it and see it in black and white. Viking has made this situation so much more difficult for us by demanding proof of her illness. I think they've handled this situation very poorly from start to finish.:mad:


    Having been through something similar, I feel for you and your sister. :(


    To have Viking actually demand a letter to verify your story is inexcusable. Your painful personal situation has been exposed to the Viking' customer service' department and that feels like an invasion of privacy to me. I'm sure some will say your doctor provided more info than was necessary but no doubt your doctor thought being clear and concise would help you recoup your financial losses.


    Agreed that this was handled very poorly...I am so sorry for you and your sister to have suffered this indignity at what is already a difficult painful time.

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