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Posts posted by sleeptalker

  1. You forgot, morning tea like a king

    High tea like a king

    Bedtime snack like a king

    Midnight nibbles like a king


    At home if it's a choice between another half hour in bed or breakfast the half hour snuggling with Mrs Gut comes up trumps.


    Love ya thinking Mr G. I also have the same choice at home and snuggling with Mrs S often wins. :)

  2. I read somewhere from a report on a particular cruiseline. I forget which one is that Australian cruises drink so much coffee compared to the Americans and they have to put a lot more salmon the boat when their are Australian cruisers or cruising out of Australia.


    I cruising on Spirit in October and Im pleased to hear about the Coffee and the Salmon - Love both.


    Ive been to the USA twice and could not find a decent Cup of Coffee on either trip. And forget about finding a decent cup of tea over there.

  3. i have loved reading your blog. Poesia will be doing two theme cruises in March, Moodies Cruise (Moody Blues) and Cruise to theEdge (Yes). There will be a lot of other acts also. I am planning on going on the Yes cruise. A local group Ive known for years is also on the lineup. I learned a lot reading your posts. You have a wonderful writing style. Now I have to do the math to see what drink package to get. I think we will be doing quite a bit of imbibing. No usual cruise acts. All the entertainment will be music from the theme. CTTE is a Prog theme, Yes, UK, Saga, Zebra, Carl Palmer, etc. Should be fun. Like minded old farts pretending to be 20 again. Four stages plus the lounges for all day, all night music. Cant wait. I usually hate cruises but this has ame excited. I had read a lot of mixed reviews on Posia. Your trip report though gives lots os insight on what to expect.

    Thanks again.


    Im flying from Australia for the Cruise To The Edge. Can't Wait.:D

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