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Posts posted by JKen2

  1. My husband and I will be on the Independence of the Sea on Thanksgiving and would like to know if they show the NFL games on the ship, if so where is the most likely place. Hopefully it is more than just on the TV in the room. thanks


    Good luck with finding the game! It doesn’t seem that RCCL puts much planning into Major sporting events. Last October on the Allure, the Cowboys were playing the Patriots at 4:30, a nationally televised game. It was rumored by the bartenders, that it could be viewed in the On Air Club located at the Promenade. When we arrived at about 4:45 it was standing room only and there was a soccer game playing on all the TV’s. The crowd of about 100 plus was getting inpatient. The bartenders said they had no control to change the channel, it had to be done somewhere else. what????? Several people walked down to guest relation, others called. Finally 2 ship Officers were walking by and the noise caught their attention. The Officers made a call and after 20 minuets a crew member came down and changed the channel. The game was finally on half way through the second quarter.


    We also had an opposite experience on the Norwegian Epic. They have an area in the back of the ship called the Spice H2O bar and grill, were they viewed movies under the stars with a pool and Jacuzzi, but on Sunday's and Monday nights during football season it is an all day tailgate party. They also had the World Series playing on their indoor Atrium TV the same day.

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