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Posts posted by GAcruiser11

  1. The market that you are dropped at is an easy walk to the Chania harbor area. The harbor is very pretty . . . a long breakwater with a lighthouse at the end. It was built by the Venetians. There is plenty of shopping to do. Down at the harbor is a mosque that has been converted into an art cooperative, interesting to look at. There were some other stores that carried more handcrafted items too. There are lots of restaurants and everyone would like your business. You'll have to do a search, but there are several museums down in the area too. We only stopped in a new museum right at the edge of the breakwater to use the bathroom. It didn't look like the museum was really open but the building was open to allow use of the bathrooms. It is definitely a small that is simply walked and enjoyed. (Make sure you grab a map!)


    Thanks so much for posting all this great info! I don't know about others, but I was having a hard time finding any info on this port. It sounds wonderful and relaxing! Looking forward to it.

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