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Posts posted by Baolua

  1. The biggest issue with Ocean terminal baggage reclaim hall is that a) it is not large enough to cope with the quantity of baggage from Iona or Arvia and b) not designed correctly to ensure the optimum flow of people through it.  To avoid the delays and queues P&O need to stick to the disembarkation times....

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  2. Please be aware that the ships do not go in just for a refit - by maritime laws and regs they have to undergo a dry dock period every 5 years (where the hull can be inspected fully).

    This is the opportunity the company takes to utilise the downtime in undertaking cosmetic internal changes to the ship...

  3. Did you actually make your concerns known onboard at the time of the apparently poor food being served? if you did not how do you expect the Head Chef to know about any issues. In any service based situation if you receive poor service in your opinion you have to raise your concern at the time as it gives the provider of the service a chance to rectify the situation. Complaining on an anonymous forum like this afterwards and then expecting anyone senior from the company to both read and act upon is living in a dream world and unfair on the company.

  4. one of the main port stops for my cruise next week, can't wait! What tips do you have to prevent pick pocketers?


    The same approach as you use to avoid pickpockets here - no difference as to where you are in world!

  5. After entering the Kotor old town main gate head for the far left corner and the north gate, exit over a river into a semi industrial looking area - once over the river turn immediately right follow the road past a bakery for a short distance and then follow a small path straight ahead along a wire fence where the road bends to the left. This is the donkey path and has no steps, reasonably gentle gradient but lots of switch backs - once you reach a house turn off the main path veering to right which leads to the the old church and then rejoins main path for final few steps to the top. Took us about 30 mins to reach top.

    Look on google maps and this path is very clear and this way is not only a lot easier it also avoids the entrance fee...

  6. Yes we bought return tickets to Rome termini but en route after advice from a local chap we got off at the St Pietro for the Vatican... there are no ticket barriers at the stations BUT remember to validate your ticket (little machine before you reach the platform) before you get on a train else you may face a fine if an inspector bothers to check your ticket.


    We caught the 08:44 train to Rome and the 14:43 train back - we were back on the ship by 16:00hrs after walking back from Civitavecchia station to the port shuttle (the ship sailed at 19:00hrs) - so a later train was easily possible but we were done with walking by then!!!


    PS if you are visiting Kotor then there is a way to the fort at the top of the hill which avoids the main 1340 steps....

  7. Just back from Ventura Venice to Genoa cruise... We did Rome independently on the train with absolutely no problems. Free shuttle bus from ship to port bus park in town, then local bus for 5 min trip to station (cost 80 cents). Ticket to Rome purchased from ticket machine which spoke English (5 Euros each way). 45 minutes later get off at St Peters station for a 5 minute walk to the Vatican then spent all day walking through the sites of Rome heading for the Ostiense Station for the return train journey... Then walked back from train station to the shuttle bus which took 20 mins. Trains were regular and on time.


    The buses for the 'official' P&O trips were taking over two hours to make the journey...


    p.s. P&O have a new trip for 'Rome by train' (special charter train to Rome and time to wander round on your own) which cost £46 pp!!!

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