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Gr8ful One

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Posts posted by Gr8ful One

  1. I ordered Dec. 4th and paid the extra for expedited shipping, thank goodness I did!!

    Here I am in my custom dress and let me tell you, I would HIGHLY suggest using Light in the Box!!

    Obviously, I've got tons going on today, so this was the best I could do, right now. I'll post a more proper picture later!

    Merry Christmas to you all!


  2. Thank you, all of you, who took the time to share your thoughts with me!!!

    I finally pulled the trigger and ordered the dress this morning!!


    Not in the pink, but in a color called "pool", as I am blonde and fair skinned.

    What do ya think!?


    I paid less than $100. I'm thrilled because included in that cost was the custom length option, my dress will fit me, I just KNOW IT!!

    I know it is hard for you to fathom, but the dresses at Macy's and the dresses at the Rack do not fit.

    Not even the ones you would think are waaaayyyy too long for anyone!!


    I understand some will wear pants, but too bad for them. I wear pants every day!! How often will I get to walk into a fabulous venue like the dining room with my son and daughter and husband, all of us over 6' tall, dressed like royalty!!??

    I'm so excited!!

    Thanks again! I'll post a picture when I have one!


  3. Hey, I sure am glad to read these responses! I have seen those Adrienne dresses for reasonable and have considered them.

    Another suggested that I go thru the resale shops.

    We've been on one other cruise before and as I recall the dining room was kind of dark, but dark enough to hide the flaws of a cheap dress, not sure.

    In the end, I guess it's all about personal taste, I think I'm gathering.

    I have 2 months, perhaps I'll order one and see how cheap it looks!?

  4. Hello, I have never posted here before, but I am very interested in your opinions.

    As a victory celebration, my husband and I are taking our grown kids on a Celebrity cruise, Jan 3rd. You see, breast cancer came looking for a fight, 2 years ago and I WON!!!

    Here's my question to you: daughter and I are extremely tall, I'm 6', she's 6'3". We really want to live it up and go all out for the fancy shmancy occasions, but finding dresses that will fit us (most that size are made for cross dressers, I think), is not easy.

    Last week, I come across dresses from China, on eBay, and for $45, we can get dresses that are hemmed to our specs.

    How bad can they be?? Even if we only get one might out of them, how wonderful, right???

    I appreciate any and all thoughts you may have that would be of help to me!


  5. I am a Captain's Club member, but I wasn't aware of any special number? I don't have any special status, we've only cruised once before!

    May I add another question?

    How large are the dining room tables? We are very social, I love to meet new folks and hear about their stories, don't you think this would be a great opportunity to do that?

    On our previous cruise, (10 years ago), I met some fascinating folks!!

    I met a very rich lady that inherited loads of money when her uncle left her a gas station that happened to be located a few blocks from Central Park, in NYC!! She spends her days cruising and buying gems at the ports!

    Can you imagine?

    So, if we could get in another big table like that, (I think 8 or 10?), how awesome! Can you do that with Select Dining?


  6. I made the mistake of using a Travel Agency to make reservations for our family's cruise. I did get a great price, but now I'm stuck.

    The reservations are tagged with Select Dining. We prefer just regular MDR option at 6pm. I don't know how to change it and every attempt to contact this crazy Travel Agent leads me to a less than helpful response.

    Can someone offer me a suggestion as to how to change this dining, if possible?


  7. Hi, All!

    I absolutely got both cabins at the same time, but nobody ever mentioned to me about the Captain's Club, I learned about it on this website. I'm not sure I understand it, but I am eligible for one upgrade up to AQ, as is my Hubby.


    Here's what I am trying to do: wipe out those other reservations, it was an AQ cabin and the kids had an inside cabin near us, (not too near, they are still young and what I don't know...won't hurt me!!!)


    I want to make a reservation for a balcony room and use the upgrade I'm eligible for to get the best one I can.

    Hubby can make a reservation and get the kids in a balcony and use his upgrade to get them a nice one. I want them to have fun, they don't need to stick to us constantly, but I do want us all to eat together at night.

    The wonderful guy on the phone that helped me the very first time, he got me an AQ cabin because I asked him, which one would you put YOUR mom in? His name is Jameel and he was wonderful and helped me immensely, I don't blame him at all. Although the BLU deal was not made clear to me.

    I finally got thru last night and the young lady told me that I should speak to the person in front of BLU and this person would try to get the kids in BLU, too.

    After reading all these posts and digesting the information, I have decided to do what I mentioned above and get out of the AQ.

    Now I have to wait on hold again, I get so aggravated, wasting all that time, but I'm determined...

    This site is a blessing to me. I don't know what I would have done, when we are on this glorious ship and the kids are in a different dining room than we are!!!

    I have a great deal of gratitude and admiration for this bunch of folks. I am in absolute awe of some of your cruising history!! I'm only on my second, yet I feel blessed beyond worth!

    It is amazing, isn't it!!??


  8. I am amazed by all the help I've received here!! Thank you, thank you!!

    I have been on hold with Celebrity for hours in the past 2 days, spending after dinner hours and lunch hour at work trying to get thru with no results. I finally sent an email, though I'm not sure that will get me anywhere, either. I could recite by heart the schpiel the lady gives while on hold.....


    I was not convinced when the very nice gentleman on the phone sold me the AQ, but I did ask him where he would put his mom, so that's what I got! I am eligible for an upgrade, and with the current 123go, I'm extremely confused about this entire thing.


    The fear of not getting the best deal is really interfering with the joy of planning this cruise!!

    Thank you all, for your kind thoughts, I hope to have hair long enough to blow in the ocean breeze again, by January!! WHOOOHOOOO!!!

  9. Hello! I am taking my family on the Reflection in January 2015. You see, they all moved home to help me get thru that awful year of treatment for cancer. So, we are celebrating my VICTORY over cancer with a cruise! Hubby and I are in this AQ, but the kids, (24 & 21) are not.

    I want to spend time with my family on this cruise, of course, so if Hubby and I are eating in a different dining room, this does not work for me!

    Is that the case? We must eat in the BLU dining and the kids cannot, and we cannot eat in the Main Dining Room?

    I sure appreciate any answers or direction!



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