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Posts posted by oaktownboy

  1. Interesting that folks feel that people sharing drink packages are driving up the costs of cruises. Believe me folks, the effect of drink package sharing on the price of cruises is likely negligible, probably equivalent to my urinating in the ocean. I'm sure that a company as large as RCCL has penciled out the cost of how much the typical cruiser with a drink package imbibes, and has factored that into what they see as their bottom like. That cost is no matter who drinks the beverage, and projects that some passengers may drink more than others. Factored into this model is a fudge factor, so it all evens out. They probably do the same for food that is consumed. RCCL tells passengers not to share because they want to sell more packages to increase their profit beyond the high profit they already make. Believe me folks, high cruise prices are due to RCCL's greed and not the few passengers that "steal" a sip of a coke. The best analogy that comes to mind after reading these posts is the unbridled guilt I personally feel when I flush twice after a particularly productive session on the throne because, after all, it costs RCCL $$$ to make the water I used.

  2. My dear wife wants to treat me to a cruise that includes China for my 70th. I have been following a discussion on the RCCL board describing a cruiser's experiences on the Mariner of the Seas. After reading her stories about Chinese passengers pushing, shoving and cutting in line, spitting on the floor, and essentially not following the rules, I've decided that maybe RCCL may not be our cup of tea (pardon the pun). Although I am usually very mellow and easy going, I just will not tolerate rude behavior and do not wish to start an international incident. And to boot, I'm Chinese American and a Vietnam vet who served in Asia, where I thoroughly enjoyed the culture/people. So my question is are their any Celebrity cruisers who have gone on an itinerary that included China? Were the vast majority of passengers from China? Did the cruise originate or end in China? Could you please describe your experiences on the cruise and offer any hints about the cruise? Thanks in advance.

  3. I doubt that the Chinese that are taking RCCL cruises are not representative of the general Chinese populace. Rather they are probably from the highest economic echelons and used to acting and being treated like royalty.I suspect that the Chinese encountered on land tours are very polite, welcoming, and respectful, and are not in need of an attitudinal adjustment like their cruising countrymen.

  4. To begin with, I am Chinese so please save your breath and do not accuse me of being culturally insensitive. I am also a Vietnam era vet and served my active duty in Asia. As such I have seen and experienced a plethora of asian cultures. I too am repulsed by the OP's depiction of how some of the Chinese acted on her cruise. Spitting on the floor, cutting and pushing in line, are not acceptable in a civilized world. Some have intimated that the Chinese push because it is so crowded where they live. Let me ask, do native Japanese not wait their turn in line in the buffet, because it sure is crowed in their native land. Let me give you all a tidbit to ponder. My friends from China say that some from their homeland act rudely because they feel entitled, and therefore rules apply only to others and not to them. So as my 100% Chinese son says, "let the haters hate".

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