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Posts posted by jasperscruise

  1. We stayed at the hotel for a bit until everyone started to get hungry again. This time I had not thought up of any place to go for dinner. So I suggested walking around little Italy until we found something to eat. After walking around for 20 minutes it was obvious we didn’t know where we were going. You would think I would know where I was going since I have been memorizing the inner harbor map for two years. But atlas, we were lost. LOL. Lucky for us we started heading back to the hotel when we hit MOs Fishman’s Wharf. Where I told everyone, look a seafood place. Kids gave me a dirty look but no one wanted to fight me, since we were having trouble finding a kid friendly place. Which was good for me. When we got inside, they immediately took us upstairs to be seated. I was planning on ordering crab but my stomach was giving me fits since I arrived in Baltimore, so I decided to go lite. I went with the crab cakes and the fiancée had the steak, shrimp, and a crab cake. Lisa told me she really loved the steak. Myself, the crab cakes were really good. They were lite and fluffy and kind of reminded me of like a very pleasant tuna salad. But in crab cake form. If you are in the area, I would highly suggest MOs. 4 people at Mos with tip was 134. They include the tip in the price.


    After MOs we headed to CVS to buy soda and tastykakes. My fiancée really wanted to get them since we can’t get them in Chicago. So we bought them out. Apparently that happens a lot in Baltimore because they asked us where we were from. (We did the same thing on Monday at 7/11 by BWI. They asked us again where we were from)


    We woke Sunday hoping to get a glimpse of the Pride, but with no luck. My plan was to head over to the Blue Moon Café for Capt Crunch French Toast, but time got away from us and I had to enact Plan B. Plan B was having breakfast at the hotel. And I must say they had really good breakfast. They had a buffet, but at 27 bucks a person we decided to just order off the menu. Which was the best thing for us since the food was awesome. If you do have breakfast at the restaurant in Marriott Waterfront Hotel, let me suggest the pancakes. They have a very strong vanilla flavor and were simply the best pancakes I have ever eaten. After breakfast the bellhop told me when I was ready he could get us a private car to the port for roughly 25 bucks. Told him I would come back at 10am.

    Right after wards we went upstairs to see if we could see the Pride and again no luck. I went outside on the other side of the hotel and again no luck seeing the Pride. I then went to the 5th floor where the pool is. They have a huge balcony or whatever you call it right outside. I walked out on the balcony and waited. About 20 minutes later I saw her. Of course I took photos. It was the first time I saw her and it was exciting to see her waiting all this time. (Pics below)

    First pic of Pride.




    Balcony of Marriott.




    Right in front of the Hotel




    Hotel Resturant





    Video of Carnival Pride coming in from the balcony of the Marriott.



    What time did the ship come in approximately?

  2. We've been on three cruises and each one we have gotten an Aft extended balcony which we loved. This go around, we are thinking of saving a couple hundred and going with a premium Balcony (7341). I have read conflicting reports sayign that the premiums are bigger, but the square footage seems the same at 185. Does anyone have reliable info and pictures on what a premium balcony is on the Pride? I am going to be booking this evening.


    Again, we loved the views on the Aft extended, but I'm willing to save a couple hundred if there is something more compelling in getting a Premium Balcony in the aft section of the ship.




    We ended up with a Aft Balcony...Never can go wrong with the view. Also very little wind, with a Aft balcony vs. a regular balcony where it is windy.

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