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Posts posted by gazbob

  1. I just started reading this thread and the experiences that you all have had sounds amazing. We would love to join an "Arno" cruise but, being Aussies, It makes it very expensive to get to the U.S. for the cruises. We've already booked on the Golden princess in May this year for a 75 night cruises around the Pacific Rim, so we've spent our cruise money for this year. With a bit of planning and a bit of luck on the stock market we may be able to do a cruise with Arno sometime late in 2018 so we hope to see you all then.

  2. Very interesting thread. We have been on 10 cruises now, 1 Celebrity, 1 RCI, and 8 Princess, and have never been ostracised or threatened. We have made some very good friends over the years, bath and and hetro and still keep in touch with many of them. We often get emails from Atlantis and would like to experience an all gay cruise, but, we are Australian and when we add the price of air fares on to an already expensive cruise it becomes way over the top. We could do 3 Australian cruises for the same price. We are off on our longest cruise by far in May this year. a 75 night cruises around the Pacific so are looking forward to meeting some more new friend on the way.

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