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Posts posted by Rislander

  1. Understanding that these earlier posts are old, I'm following up with a reply to help anyone who might consider sailing this ship. Don't.


    I took a cruise on this ship of the Yangtze River in 2008, but all this time I had no idea of the name of the vessel. Recently, I came across a photo that had a portion of the ships callsign, and posted it to the community at http://www.chinese-forums.com for translation. Took less than a day for someone to ID the ship, Dragon Cruises MV Emperor.


    I find it hard to believe that the vessel was built in 2004. The four years she sailed before I got on had not treated her well. I understand that she's still sailing now, and cannot imagine how far gone she will have gotten.


    Filthy conditions, disinterested staff, truly horrible food; my wife and I have shared a few jokes since about our "prison ship" ride. When I can stand not to be reminded of the gory pain.

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