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Posts posted by Torbenjane

  1. New follower from Denmark:cool:




    I'm waiting for the car dealer to call me and for Youtube to upload the Segway video which has already taken One Hour....


    So I'll press on with a few more pics from South Beach. One facet of life there I won't show is the number of homeless younger than usual people sleeping in the parks during the daytime and in doorways at night as of course I would be out and about with the cameras at 5 a.m next morning. Tanned bejeweled people drive by in cars costing 100 to 500 thousand dollars but these folks for whatever reason are living outdoors and wheeling their wardrobe around in rolling luggage as opposed to the usual shopping carts. I gave away a couple of cigarettes but no one asked me for money.


    Carol chose all of our excursions for this cruise and the Segway was her idea but of course I was excited by it. I made the arrangements to meet our guide Mike at 2 pm. It was $95 each in cash only and there would be only two of us which I liked most of all.


    He was there at 2pm by the hotel and soon we were off without crash helmets which was fine by me as I wasn't planning to crash. I wore a Go Pro Hero 3 on my wrist to capture the ride.


    We stopped for a photo opportunity at the beach during our ride along the sea front. My sunglasses were in my camera bag. Doh!





    It was warm and windy




    We rode on the footpath trafficked by pedestrians, skateboarders, people on electric scooters, weaving in and out. We drove on grass avoiding the palm trees and sleeping people and drove on the streets with cars and pedestrians to watch out for. Mike kept up a commentary to Carol who was riding closest to him. I rode shotgun so I could slow down and then put on a burst of speed and do some slalom practice as I feel very at home on these machines.


    Along the Art Deco district music was blasting out of cafes and restaurants and the street had been closed off as it was (surprise to us!) Art Deco weekend and the place was mobbed.The smell of sizzling meats filled the air as there were little stands serving appetizing munchies. We rode through the thousands of people without running anyone over.


    To be continued....



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