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Posts posted by BahamaLoversCD

  1. 1 hour ago, RJGallagher1955 said:

    So, we cruise this Saturday the 27th on the Majestic.


    I had already accessed the Medallion app a week or so ago. Everything was fine for my wife's booking, but I had to reenter passport, credit card and emergency contact. OK, it was annoying, but I did it and it showed Green Lane.


    Yesterday, went to access it again, this time I'm blocked out and it won't even allow me to log on. Doesn't accept my booking number. Even got a call from Princess this morning saying I needed to finish my logging on in the app. Did the usual uninstall, reinstall etc. Still a no go. 


    Since we live so close to San Pedro, it's not bothering me because we can simply show up and get everything fixed at the port. But, this thing is a mess. 


    Read other posts commenting on someone should be held responsible. My understanding is the new president of the company was the driving force behind the Medallion experience. I kinda doubt we'll hear a mea culpa from him. 


    I know it's a code glitch somewhere and I wonder if it's an Apple Android thing? My wife is Apple and I'm Android 11 and I do wonder if when I did the last update gremlins got into the app. 


    Happy Sailings 

    Nope we are both apple, I'm Green but wife doesn't register at all and we both have our medallions. Go figure...no worries

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