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Posts posted by dms361

  1. I'm honestly surprised to hear this many negative stories. My fiancé and I wandered in to a DI in Belize last year. We looked at some rings, just for fun, and I fell in love with a wedding band. We left, had some drinks, and decided on a drunken impulse buy (lol) to go back and get it. We spent $720 and had it appraised at home (from a reputable jeweler that we've done business with before) for over $4,000. We were shocked! Honestly didn't care what the value was (as long as we hadn't been totally ripped off) because I just loved the ring. Now I know that it's for insurance purposes and isn't the typical resale value, but I still think we did pretty dang good.

  2. We don't skimp on the room. We like a midship balcony as close to or on lido if possible. Some of my favorite memories are when my fiancé has woken up before me, run out to get coffee of us, then woken me up to watch the ship come into port on the balcony in our pajamas. We're incredibly social, are always out making friends, pretty moderate drinkers (ok, big drinkers :) ), so you could say we're the type that doesn't spend a ton of time in the room, but I would say we spend about as much time on the balcony as we do in the cabin itself. We just love it.


    As far as other stuff, we don't drink soda, he doesn't gamble but I do and bring a set amount. We splurged once on massages and they were ok but not worth it. He has gotten his hair cut on every cruise we've been on (he gets it cut weekly at home, so it's his thing...whatever, lol). We don't shop much and try to balance a mix of some ports with excursions and some with wondering on our own. I'd say the top things we don't skimp on are rooms and alcohol.

  3. What an awesome review!! I'm going on this cruise for my honeymoon next year, and I'm becoming a bit obsessed already. I just got off of the legend last week and I have to direct my cruise energy somewhere I suppose, but it won't be until September of 2013. Ugh! I don't know how I'll be able to wait that long!

    This has gotten me even more excited and you guys seem like the exact kind of people that my fiancé and I end up finding. Good times would be had by all, for sure! Glad you guys had such a fun trip!

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