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Posts posted by lvetocruise2012

  1. The curtains seem to me to do a really good job of minimizing the light. I don't have any hacks particular to cruise ships. But I do tuck one or two clothespins into my overnight bag. I use them to close drapes in hotel rooms when the drapes don't close completely. They can come in handy on the ship too.


    If you are really sensitive to any light at all, then the best thing would probably be a good eye mask. I like ones that are molded so they don't sit directly on your eyelid. Here's an example: https://www.amazon.com/Sleeping-Adjustable-Comfortable-Contoured-Blindfold/dp/B077944MG9/ref=sr_1_4_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1525857689&sr=8-4&keywords=eye+mask+molded&dpID=51M6o5omMHL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch




    Yes I’ve tried eye masks at home and they hurt my eyes but I’m sure it was a really cheap one.

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