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Posts posted by Cruisin9947

  1. So my very low-carb plan is pretty much a bust. I was down 6 only to gain every single pound back on Easter!! Throw in 3 days of no exercise (1 due to the ever-returning stomach bug and 2 due to laziness) and eating 2 pieces of cake, jelly beans and a huge meal. I would not normally gain 6 lbs in a couple of days, but I truly believe it was because I freely ate the carbs.


    So....here we go again. I am adding some carbs back in, but not in mass quantities. I have also added in an extra 30 minutes of biking - so I am up to an hour a day of biking. I am do 30 mins at 6am and 30 mins after dinner. Result in 2 days? 3 lbs. I also feel great. This is the 3rd day of getting up early to bike and I feel more energized. I hope I can keep it up!! Somehow exercising first thing in the morning makes me think twice about what I eat during the day - I don't want to undo what I got up so early to do!! :)


    I will try to check in again soon and let you guys know if I have stuck with it.


    I too have recently started getting up and doing some excersising in the morning as well as the evening. It has made a HUGE difference for me. I have a lot more enery and agree with you... I always think twice about what I ate. Why get up so dang early if I am just going to give in anyway. Also, I have added healthy carbs into my meals during the day and noticed a big change. I have more energy, feel full longer and have lost a lot more weight than I did limited my carbs. I know the low carb way is the big thing right now and I do know it works, but it was really hard for me and I have much more success just limited calories and sticking to good carbs.

  2. Hello! I am going on my first cruise this July. I have been reading the board on this website for sometime now and this morning it hit me that there might be something to offer support in trying to lose weight for your cruise. I was so happy to find this discussion going. I turned 30 last November. I was thin my whole life until I had my first daughter (9 years ago!). Althought I was thin, I was not in very good shape. I could not run if my life depended on it. During my pregnancy I gained over 50 pounds, lost a little and then gained it again when my second daughter was born (now 5). A week or two before we found out we were going on a cruise I decided I had to do something. I want to be a good role model for my girls, be healthy enough to see them grow up and have families, and just feel comfortable with myself. My fiance and I were surprised with a cruise and decided to just get married right before we left. So, now here I am 3 months away from my wedding AND my first cruise!!


    I kicked everything into high gear. I have lost 9 pounds. This coming Monday will be my 4 week mark. I am hoping to make it to 10 pounds by then. I have been cutting calories and fat and only eat the good carbs. Also, eat 5 meals a day. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2 snacks (fruit). I read somewhere that walking within an hour after your meals helps with metabolism. I don't know if that is true, but I am doing it and it seems to be working for me. I just walk 20-30 mins after breakfast and after dinner. I also go to the gym as much as I can fit into my schedule. (about 3-4 times a week).


    I am not going to set a weight goal for my cruise. I ate badly for sooo many years and I know that I can not expect to correct that in 3 short months. My goal is to do everything I can to make myself as healthy as I can from today until forever... not just until the cruise.


    So, that is my story. I am really glad I came across this thread and hope you don't mind me joining in!


    My fav quote right now: "Don't give up what you want most for what you want right now" :)

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