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Posts posted by xmaslady

  1. Thank you everyone for all your advice. I can't even believe all of the responses I received from all of you it makes me realize that there are a lot of caring people out there.

    I am going to try to take a lot of your advise. One of the hard parts will be that I am a shy person and my husband was the out going one so he was the one who would get us talking to other people. I am going to work hard on trying to start conversations with people I don't know. Once again thank you all for all of your advice and I am already feeling better about this.

  2. I didn't notice anyone mention oxygen with their cpap. I have to use oxygen also hooked up to mine that so I had to contact a company called travel o2 to deliver a oxygen compressor to the ship for a 7 day cruise at a cost of $300.00. Has anyone had to do this and if so how did it work out. I leave for my cruise in about 2 weeks so I hope everything works out ok. Is there any advise anyone can give me.

  3. My husband and I cruised 35 times in 27 years of marriage. He passed away last July from cancer and now I have booked my first cruise alone on the Granduer and I am really not sure how I am going to do this. I know there are people out there that cruise by themselves all the time and maybe some women out there that that have gone through the same thing that I am going through. Can someone help me with what to do about dinner or doing anything alone or maybe I shouldn't do this because it might be to lonely?

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