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Posts posted by CavalierX

  1. Are you actually saying that spending a few extra dollars for 3 days transportation is going to crush the Bermuda tourism industry? I doubt it.


    No, but there will be unintended consequences. There always are. People don't like being inconvenienced for no good reason. Maybe Russians just put up with it better than Americans.

  2. If they want people taking the cab, why don't they lower the cost of that.


    It's like protectionism. It's easier to impose higher fees on alternatives rather than lower the price of whatever they're trying to "protect." And it almost never works out. For instance, remember when the US government imposed a tariff on imported steel in 2002 rather then find ways to make domestically-produced steel more competitive? They had to remove the tariff in a year (instead of the planned five) because it nearly destroyed the US steel industry entirely.

  3. Hi, I am traveling in my parents cabin this year and we have booked a Forward penthouse on the Getaway in September. Myself and my Mother are listed as the main passengers to avail of the drinks package, my father only drinks beer and vodka so we figured it be better for him to payg with us drinking specialty drinks cocktails etc.

    My question is can i have a separate account for my own transactions by registering my card to my an account and my parents together on there own.


    My wife and I always get separate room accounts, mostly because it's none of my business what she spends at the spa/salon... and it's none of hers what I spend buying her drinks. :)

  4. Those who cancelled their CRUISE----they should have waited---maybe NCL does respect those guests who sail with NCL.....HAPPY SAILING to those who stayed with NCL and to the rest...........!!!!!!!!


    If they had waited, there's a good chance Del Rio and company would have said "Yes, people are complaining on the internet... but they're not cancelling their cruises, are they?" and the policy would have remained in place.

  5. One of the great things about Norwegian is you have so many options where you can eat, if your going to eat in your cabin you might as well stay home and eat in your kitchen.


    My kitchen doesn't have a balcony with a view of the ocean. It has a balcony with a view of a parking lot, some grass and a tree. Neither the grass nor the tree move much, and the parking lot not at all.

  6. Ha. I didn't even take the negative comments personally, so if they had so intended i hate to break it to them. I wasn't asking people's opinions on how to entertain my kids nor if they agreed with it or not ;-)


    Today is another port day and the kids club is pretty empty. This is the last port day so I suspect the rest of the days will be more kids anyway.


    Today will be a good day to mosey on down to the big pool so the kids can play on the water slide without the normal chaos before a quick walk around the port town in Nassau


    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


    Depending on their ages (and interests), they might enjoy the Pirate Museum. Oh, who am I kidding... I enjoyed the Pirate Museum! :cool:

  7. I actually think this thread can be closed at this time....

    Just saying...........




    Weren't you the person who kept demanding that CC close the thread BEFORE Norwegian reversed the takeaway ban? I'll tell you again what I said then: Click on Thread Tools, and then Unsubscribe. Problem solved.

  8. I am "buying into the story" that was NOT concocted by the "suits" in Miami to "cover their tracks" because I know that the CEO of NCL would absolutely never "concoct" anything. He is the most honest individual that I have ever met. He does not lie and speaks the truth (as he sees it). Even I do not always agree with his vision, however, he has run successful cruise lines for years and I have not.


    I actually expected you to say "Frank Del Rio is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."


    Extra points for anyone who gets the reference.

  9. [quote name='sixesandeights']Can't wait for the people that said we were wasting our breath complaining about this to come and eat crow and apologize to the rest of us.....this is a major win for the customer. Way to fight the good fight people.


    I looked and looked at the room service menu, but there wasn't any crow. My guess is the cheerleaders will never admit that the policy was a mistake; they'll say Del Rio and Stuart intended only to "raise awareness" about messes in the hallways all along. :rolleyes:
  10. [quote name='Dorhead1230']Thanks for sharing! It is good to see that they responded to the widespread dissatisfaction and concerns about this policy and were willing to reverse it. Now I won't have to bust out some MC Hammer pants and evasive maneuvers to get snacks for my balcony from the buffet :p.[/QUOTE]

    You mean they won't be coming back in style now?
    [quietly puts hammer pants back in storage]
  11. As always, the 5% (or is 1%) have spoken for the sheepies and everyone (almost) can re-evaluate their choices for sailing, going forward.


    Do you think that the commenters who told those who opposed the new policies to go to another cruise line if we didn't like it (or at least another web site) will now do so themselves? I'll bet that they will stick around to tell us that Del Rio and Stuart were only trying to "raise awareness" of the issue (that few people seem to have considered a problem before this), and this was their plan all along.

  12. Great News




    “We’re changing the policy,” Stuart said. “We’re still going to fix the issue because the issue is the same,” he said.



    So instead of banning food, Norwegian will have more frequent inspections of the corridors so dishes get removed quickly.



    “It’s another good example of how we listen to customer feedback and act on it,” Stuart said. “We picked the wrong solution."


    To all of those who constantly asked why those of us who opposed the ban on takeaways kept talking about it and writing about it and urging others to also call and write Corporate to complain about it...

    well, now you know.

  13. But for now with young kids, we need more than just a kid's program. And NCL is one of the big three for that.


    As long as you don't mind the new regulations and restrictions on the kids' club, like having to get up early and get in line to get a ticket to get in, and start over if the child leaves for half an hour. I anticipate that you might see a lot more bored, upset kids kicking around NCL ships in the future, along with a lot of frustrated parents who were looking for some time to themselves.

  14. No. I started looking last night at other options. It was eye opening. We leave Saturday for our last NCL cruise unless things make me happy again.


    Same here. My upcoming cruise with NCL (past the cancellation penalty date now) will definitely be my last with them if the new policies remain in place -- unless every other cruise line starts imposing the same rules and restrictions.

  15. When my wife and I booked our cruise with NCL, we booked with the understanding that....


    • Room Service was Included - free of charge
    • DSC's were "recommended" to be a certain amount.
    • Gratuity was included for all dining options - including Specialty locations.
    • Cagney's was included in our UDP


    NCL decided in their infinite wisdom to change those 4 things to get more money from us AFTER THE FACT. THAT is what bothers me. I own my own business and I understand that NCL can do whatever they want to as well, on their ships, with their company.


    That being said, I still have options as a guest.


    That leaves me no choice but to totally remove the DSC from our upcoming cruise, and tip our cabin steward accordingly.



    I feel about this the same way you do, but I won't be reducing my DSC. I agreed to pay it when I booked the cruise, as NCL agreed to free room service and all the other amenities and rules that were in place when I booked. Just because NCL decided to break their word, altering the amenities and adding new rules, doesn't mean I get to do the same. I would have canceled the cruise altogether and booked with another line for that same week, but I'm already past the penalty date. So this will probably be my last Norwegian cruise, at least for a while, and it will be the first one in years on which I won't buy a future cruise certificate. However, I will make it a point to let them know why... not that Corporate will care.

  16. How would any of the changes negatively impact your cruise? Let's run on the list shall we? No more free room service big deal now you gotta pay a little for it, limit on the kids club now you've got to spend more time with your kids wow no big deal.


    Not being able to take my wife a breakfast plate from the buffet negatively affects my cruise. Not being able to get a light snack from room service without paying an exorbitant charge negatively affects my cruise. (I'm not cheap, by any means, but I do insist on getting good value for my money.) I don't have kids, but I will now be forced to spend more time with other people's bored kids, since their angry, frustrated parents will be forced to drag them all over the ship when the kids ought to be in the camp having fun. And I won't even be allowed to get away from them by taking my meal or snacks to my own cabin to enjoy on my balcony in peace and quiet. Now slink back under your rock; no one elected you to tell everyone else that they're vacationing wrong.


    I don't see the big deal everybody is making


    Your lack of perception is really not my problem.

  17. However, without this service they will have less people in the Casino, playing Bingo,those 'bar hopping thingies' (I forget what they're called), and I'm sure more things I haven't mentioned.....as they won't have anyone to care for their children to allow them to do these things.




    Someone, somewhere ran a cost/benefit analysis and figured they'd make a few more bucks from the kids wanting Cokes or pastries from Carlos' or other things that would cost money (my two nephews once ran up a $50 tab in a couple of hours just playing video games in the arcade, for instance). And then there's always renting a movie in the cabin for them to watch... and then, of course, you have to order snacks via room service. Plus, NCL can hire fewer camp counselors to save even more dollars.

  18. LoL! I agree...hitting the roof will do nothing if there is a capacity issue. I don't think the very nice people you intend to berate/embarrass/humiliate can do anything to change a policy while you are standing there. If you mean, by hitting the roof, that you are going to cause a huge scene...that is not a nice thing to do to someone that is powerless to help you. I hope I'm wrong, that would be quite mean-spirited.


    You know, "hitting the roof" could mean writing an angry letter to Corporate. Why do some people feel the need to pick on those who are expressing their frustration with this new policy? Leave her alone.

  19. Will be comical when people start showing up at the buffet at O'Sheehan's in pajamas (because they didn't want to pay for room service) to get food to take back to their cabins.


    They probably won't be amused when they're told about the new ban on takeaway food that goes along with the room service charge.

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