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Beach Gypsy

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Posts posted by Beach Gypsy

  1. Paige. welcome to you and Neri. Practicing in a box before you cruise is the answer to a successful cruise experience to both you and Neri. If you can bring some artificial grass with you to cover their filler that would guarantee Neri's success.


    I buy the artificial indoor/outdoor grass, I cut some drainage holes in it, roll it up [use some large rubber bands to hold it shut], cover the filler and just leave it behind when the cruise is done. I get it at Lowe's, it's cheap, very lightweight and Horton uses it with no resistance.


    You'll love cruising with your Service Dog. Allow yourself plenty of time to get from one venue to another, while onboard and visiting various ports. You will be stopped a lot and asked many questions about your wonderful dog. Your fellow passengers had to leave their pets at home with the pet-sitter's and are missing them. Allow for some patting time when Neri's not working and remember; you're representing each and every one of us while you're onboard. Have fun!!!!


    Thank you Roz!

    I thought I replied earlier, but looks like it didn't post.

    I figure times sitting out on the decks relaxing away from crowds would be best for allowing her to visit with other passengers. Crowded areas & high heat are when I need her focus to be on me only.

    Thanks for the advice!



    Paige & Neri

  2. Walmart online. I couldn't find it stocked in any stores, just don't think it is that popular. Roz suggested the artificial turf on top of the litter. I got a 2x4 piece to put in the 4x4 box. I tried to train Halo in the box without the turf and it was a no go. The turf makes a world of difference.


    Linda and Halo



    Thank you so much! Definitely getting some artificial turf as well. I've seen videos on YouTube of SDs refusing to use the potty box and this is my biggest concern for Neri's first cruise. I think she'll handle anything else that comes up just fine. I am carrying puppy pads along, just in case, I know she'll use those.

    I feel silly for being excited to train her on the potty box. I think it's also excitement to see her enjoying a cruise with me. She does so much to help me enjoy life, it makes me happy to see her enjoying hers. I'm a sappy SD mom :-)

    Thanks again!


    Paige & Neri

  3. My husband made a 4'x4' box, it is bigger than I thought. Carnival says they use second nature dog litter, we will see. So I got some. I am going to work with Halo on using the box and only the box for the next 3 months. I am putting it inside, for 2 reasons, my mobility issues - it would be too hard on me to walk him outside to do his business and I want him to know it is ok to go inside in a box prepared for him.



    I have a TA, I emailed her and insisted she tell them to put the box on my balcony and even if they say they can't, to be persistent. We will see how that works. I may have to go to customer services once on board. There is no way I can do stairs or a heavy door, so they have no choice with me.




    Thank you to everyone for the great suggestions. I hadn't even thought of training on the box, that will make a HUGE difference.




    I am also going to go to the dining room once on board and make sure our seating is against a wall and at the front of the dining room. I just feel more comfortable, Halo does fine - it is just me, if I don't have to walk him to the back of a dining room or restaurant.



    Linda and Halo


    Where were you able to find the second nature dog litter? I have my SD's first cruise, and mine with an SD,coming up with Carnival in Oct. It would be good to train with the same litter under some turf.

    Thank you for your help.


    Paige & Neri

  4. There are now also kennels af the entry of rides that don't allow SDs on them. Very convenient!

    Oh, you really should take her to Disney with you! They are really great about service dogs being there.


    She can go on a lot of the rides. For the ones she can't go on, you can do rider switch - one person stays with the dog while the other(s) go on the ride, then when that person/group finishes the ride, they stay with the dog while the person who didn't ride yet goes on the ride right then, no having to go through the line again or anything. I went where it was just one friend and myself, so I know what it is like to not get to ride things together, but it really isn't that big of a deal once you do it. I also know what it is like to go solo for a bit, since my friend had to rest for a few hours, so I was doing rides alone. I don't recommend solo if you like rides service dogs can't go on (like Splash Mountain, Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, etc.), but one other person or more is fine.


    Another option you can do if you either are solo or have a big hankering for going on rides with the only other person in your party is you can drop your dog off at the park's kennels (just outside the park's gates) while you go do the ride you want to do that your dog can't go on. It is free. I wouldn't necessarily recommend doing it, since your dog should be with you at all times, but if you must do it, it is there as an option.


    Disney has designated service dog potty areas in the parks, too.


    My service dog loved Disney World. Her favorite ride was Pirates of the Caribbean (but I think that might have something to do with Captain Jack Sparrow being in it now... ;) ). We had no problems there.

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