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Posts posted by Elmartellama

  1. Nice review, loving the irony and the comments :cool:


    I'm sorry it rained so much while you were in Mallorca, you had very bad luck. For us locals was a blessing after a terribly hot and dry summer, now it's super hot again. But it's like that in summer, always blue sunny skies except for the occasional "end of the world" storm.

  2. :pthank you!


    :)You'll love it! Make sure to have a full day for the visit to see most of it:o.


    Lol -- but then again: Puerto de la Cruz has a very vibrant gay community. You might find other inspiring stuff to do while on Tenerife;):D.


    Have fun!




    Really? Did not know about that. I'm not into gay communities and segregation at all though!


    I have been always been integrated and accepted, so I've lived my life irregardless of my sexuality. It's just like that in Mallorca anyway, gay people usually live their lives just as everyone else, we don't live in gay clusters or anything.


    So I would feel uncomfortable in such places, I have never in my life been to a gay bar. Just my opinion, but I'm beyond that, and don't see the point really!


    But I will for sure enjoy Puerto de la Cruz :)

  3. Statue of earliest known selfie!




    :cool: :eek: :)


    This is the statue honouring the "Foners", which were baleric men / warriors that threw stones at high speed using a cord.




    Our ancestors were so good at it, that the Phoenitians, Carthago and then the Roman Empire hired them as highly skilled warriors.


    When the Roman Empire invaded the Balearic Islands in 123ac, they had to cover their vessels with leather so that the "Foners" did not sink them with direct stone hits just in the flotation line. As a result it took them two years to conquer the islands.


    Hannibal himself hired 2000 of them in the famous invasion plan of the Italian peninsula.


    Later the "Foners" helped the Romans conquer France and England, sorry about that.


    Legend says that in order to train the kids their parents put their meals on top of the trees so that they had to hit them with a stone in order to eat.


    Just a little reminder not to annoy the natives :D


    Glad you had a nice time in Palma

  4. Hi. Just re-read your excellent review. I am stalking a possible MSC Orchestra Mediterranean cruise for 2016 and I would like your views on the condition of the ship? Thanks, Ken.


    Hi Ken,


    I found the ship to be in very good condition, I think the MSC Orchestra went through a dry dock not long ago, not sure when exactly.


    The only thing missing for a cold itinerary is an indoor pool, and maybe more jacuzzis. Otherwise, it was all perfect.


    Hope you have a nice time!

  5. Thank you very much for a excellent review with great photos. It's very interesting to see a cruisereview from my homecountry and how you experience it. I'm glad that you had a great cruise in our fjords and enjoyed the scenery. The weather this summer have been very unstable and rather chilly compared to last year when we had a unusually very hot summer. We went to the Med to get some warm and sunny weather and had a wonderful cruise on the MSC Fantasia.


    Glad you had a nice time in the Med :)


    And thanks again for your help!

  6. I disagree with many opinions. A copy of an ID is not valid for any legal purpose, at least in Spain.


    It might help you out eventually if you find helpful people, but do not count on that at all.


    The only legal documents in Spain and most EU are Spanish ID (DNI for Spaniards / TRE for non EU residen Spaniards), EU IDs they are valid proof of identity even if they are from another country, Passports, European driving licenses (they actually share the format across the EU, so they all look identical).


    If you are non European Union / Schengen area citizen, I would recommend the driving license. It is not valid actually, but many people would accept it if it is written in English or something and has a picture.

  7. The statue was built in honour of "those who lost their lives for Spain". That kind of monuments were built after Spanish civil war, during the fascist era, displaying typical Spanish / Italian Fascist architecture. They are usually very controversial.


    That one in particular was built in 1944 and it is an allegory of the "liberation crussade" that made possible the Franco regime for 40 years. Franco coup was planned in the Canaries, that's why they build such a vast monument there.


    Most of them were removed since 1975, not surprisingly.

  8. Sorry to be late for the party! I didn't know you started (lol -- and almost finished) your review already. But this way I got the pleasure to read it nonstop front to back ... that was quite the orgie for the eyes. Thank you so much! I absolutely love the maps with the times ... never thought of that --- but will now as well. I especially love the three frozen waterfalls-picture and the one of you imitating our German streetlights-man. Geiranger is breathtaking and I can't believe so many people slept right through it. Why did you say it's the LAST time for you to have a balcony? Was there trouble? or just the price?


    I am also sorry to hear your 4 year relationship has come to an end. Geesh, what a nightmare --- who gets to keep the dogs? Especially the cute little pug dog? However I admire you to pull the cruise through with you ex nonetheless ... I don't think everybody would have been strong enough to do so. And not only did you DO it, you also wrote a magnificent review about it which caused some tough eomtional moments for you once again. Thank you for going to the trouble writing it it despite all that!


    Lol -- and you're such a handsome, cute guy that I doubt you'll stay single for too long. So actually we're all anticipating future cruise reviews with you and Mister X yet to appear on stage. Lol -- and as long as you're free and unattached --- remember, you're always welcome for a spontaneous visit.



    Thank you for a breathtaking review!





    Thank you so much Steff!


    I said it was the last time we had balcony, since it was the last time that we as a couple would travel. As a matter of fact, we have had no more contact since the day we came back, - I don't want to really -, so it's the last time at all we will travel even as friends. The balcony itself was very nice, and we loved it for that particular itinerary.


    The pug dog belonged to my ex, since well before we met, so he's keeping it.


    We'll see what future brings!

  9. Thanks so much for your awesome nice, thorough and inspirational travel report...and not least - for all the really great pictures!! Looking forward to your upcoming cruises - will follow you again:)


    Thank you


    I'm really hooked into Norway now :cool: My dream is being able to make a Hurtigruten trip someday ^_^ But most likely when I don't have mortgage anymore and have someone to share the trip costs with :D So I guess it will be a while!




    I'll be away for a couple of days. When I'm back I'll try to post some pictures from the ship

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