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Posts posted by Cococabana

  1. We were in Dominica a couple of weeks ago. Walked into town as our ship was at the out of town facility, and got on a minibus to Scots Head to snorkel. Cost is minimal - EC or US. We by-passed Champagne Reef which was rammed, and had a great time snorkelling the reef at Scots Head - a lovely drive down and the reef is much better than a few years ago when we were last there. If you go on a minibus in Dominica you say hello to everyone as you get on, and when you want to stop, shout out 'stopping' in a Caribbean accent. Great fun. The minibus stop is not far from Fort Young Hotel, but I can't be more specific than that. You can always ask someone but be aware some people will try to get you to get an expensive taxi instead. If you want to snorkel Champagne, the bus will also stop there on the way back and you can catch another - they are very frequent - I guess every half hour or so. Have fun!

  2. We went last Friday! We walked to the other side of Bridgetown and got a no 11 bus (white minibus with red stripe on side) - that cost $2US each way per person. We left it too late to go, really, as we hit a lot of traffic and it took ages to get there. But we had a good wander round and absorbed the atmosphere and one or two drinks, before catching the local bus back again. Buses run til 12 midnight. Next time we will go much earlier and go hungry. I would suggest you look around for the longest queue for food outlet, as those will be the best ones.

  3. Just returned from Antigua - we got the public bus out to Valley Church beach and had a good day there - no snokelling as too much sand in the water. The bus fare was US$2 each way. We got some sun beds from The Nest and negotiated a price. Our friends ate at the restaurant lunch time, but beware of additional taxes and service charge in addition to the price of the meal shown on the menu. Nice and peaceful - not too crowded at all but there were only two smallish ships in that day.

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