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Posts posted by Jayneyl

  1. The number of reviews are very limited at the moment and indeed there are a lot of negative reviews from recent cruises after dry dock. Would like to hear yours after your June sailing if you wouldn't mind providing some comments.



    Will do. Never really done a review before....just like reading everyone else's but they are helpful.



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  2. Most of the negative reviews including mine were due to the ship being rushed back into service. I'd hope that these teething problems had been sorted by now so I wouldn't worry. The seating did seem an issue for many but could have been down to the fact that people changed their dining due to the delays etc and went to the bars? I also think that due to the wind and weather on the 24th April sailing that not many people were outside after 19:00 meaning inside took the weight of more footfall.

    Maybe those who have been on Explorer this time around may have a different take on things.




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    Thanks daveyp1471, appreciate the reply. Hopefully all down to the weather. Still looking forward to it.



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  3. We are sailing 29 June as well. I'm sure it will all be ok well we might have to sit on people's laps lol. I've never had a problem before finding a seat.



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    I am sure it will be fine....at least it will be sunny with the possibility of cocktails which does make up for most things lol!



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  4. Got off Explorer yesterday, and yes, there was always a cocktail of the day.



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    Sorry to mix up questions on forums but....I have been reading some very negative reviews following the refit on Explorer and whilst I usually take with a giant pinch of salt would be interested to hear your views on the comments. Specifically on seating in the bars / public areas? Still looking forward to it (29 June sailing) but a little concerned nevertheless...



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  5. hi all we are traveling on the explorer for the first time in august .there are 6 of us 2 adults 4 kids age 17,13,12,9 the kids are not into kids clubs what sort of other things can they do onboard . any advise would be helpful cheers :)



    We have two kids and every holiday we went on they wouldn't go near the kids club however when we went on the cruise we couldn't keep them out! They really enjoyed it and I have to say we hardly saw them at all (does that make me a bad mother for enjoying the peace and quiet!?). My two are 15 and 12 and they both can't wait to see who they will meet. I am sure yours will love it and be checking the time against their cruise compass to check they don't miss anything! The only thing they are not looking forward to is getting off the ship at the ports lol!



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  6. You only have to pay the difference for glasses of wine that exceed the package limit.



    Sorry Clarea, just saw your post....had another rummage on the royal Caribbean website and found this which confirms you pay the difference (although I might still upgrade as I can hear the ice clinking in my Mohito)!!!


    Q If a Guest has purchased a particular package, can they pay the difference in price from their package limit if they want to order a higher priced drink?

    A. Yes, a Guest only pays the difference between the 2 prices for a higher priced item. Example, on the Premium package brandy is covered up to $10, if the guest orders a brandy that is listed at $14 they will only pay the additional $4.



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  7. The premium package includes some nicer wines (and better variety), spirits and cocktails....essentially means if If you're going to buy one cocktail a day you may as well upgrade....oh alright then! Claire



    I'm liking your thinking there Claire!



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  8. Jayne I think you have to pay the full amount if you want a wine that's not on the package...the alternative is to upgrade your package...the next pack up is an extra $15 per day. I have this wine quandary also!



    Thanks cawi78. That seems a little cheeky doesn't it! I might have another look at the drinks list for the next level up to see what the difference is....partial to a wee cocktail and if it covers those I could be tempted to upgrade as it would be worth it!



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  9. Hi...daft question.....we are on the all inclusive package and can see it is a little limited for wine...is it just a case of if you order a more expensive wine they charge you the difference or would you have to pay the whole amount? Alternatively I guess you could upgrade but not sure it's worth it...does anyone know? Thanks



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  10. Looking at booking on the Explorer of the Seas in June 2015 and see the all inclusive for drinks and tips now included in the price....limit however is $8 for a glass of wine....I seem to recall from my one and only previous cruise that this might be tight for a glass of wine...will there be choices available at these prices? Also do the bartenders know what 'package' you are on and therefore give you the right wine!? Thanks for any info. :)

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