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Posts posted by OarToOar

  1. In a number of Greek island resorts, as well as a few other island resorts such as in the Balearics & Canaries, there are party boats or booze cruises  (dependant on the branding). These are usually aimed towards young adults 18-30ish. 


    The cruises themselves run for several hours and typically included heavy drinking (sometimes all-inclusive) as well as adult orientated games involving drinking, stripping and sexual activity. 


    Has anyone booked one of these during a port day. If so what was your experience and how are they in regards to keeping to return times so there’s no danger of missing your embarkation? 

  2. Wow thanks for all the replies, I wasn’t expecting this response. 


    Just to clarify something, I’m not looking to see if i can/should bring under 18s into these shows (I don’t even have any children), I was wondering more from the angle of if they are something ‘worth’ going to. 


    Things like the on board gameshows don’t interest me if it’s very sanitised but if it’s actual adult humour then it would be more enjoyable to attend at 11pm after a few drinks


    Hi, this may seen like a strange question but:

    A) I have stayed in resorts and read reports of other cruise lines where the only difference between the family entertainment and the ‘adults only’ version is that there’s only adults in the audience. Otherwise the performer does the exact same set. 


    B) Coming from the UK, we have different attitudes than the US in regards to what isn’t acceptable for children/teens. 


    I want to know how mature the adults entertainment gets in regards to language, sexual references and even nudity. If anyone is willing to share information about the different ‘adult only’ shows like the gameshows, the live comedy & even things like Sexiest Man contest, i would be very grateful. 


    Thanks in advance

  4. 9 hours ago, rigs32 said:

    I started one about The Rock Boat and got distracted by life.  I have gone on many Sixthman music cruises and they have a robust youtube channel with recap videos from their events.  Many of the charter companies have a facebook presence, so chatter happens there rather than here.


    Thank you, it looks likes there’s two reports in your profile. I look forward to reading them

  5. I see references on the navigators, and in various trip reports to "Adults only" entertainment on some nights.


    i wondering what counts as Adults only to disney, is this the normal style of entertainment but with no children allowed or is the humour and style more mature with swearing etc?

  6. Sorry, I don't understand you comment regarding horseradish sauce...there is no meat in horseradish sauce (at least not where I live):confused:


    Vegans don't just not eat meat they also eat no animal byproducts.


    Horseradish sauce, depending on how it's made can contain, cream, milk, eggs, animal fat and gelatin.


    Depending on what you define as "Vegan" some, non or all of those ingredients are not allowed to be eaten.

  7. Just remember that calling yourself "Vegan" doesn't mean the same thing to everyone in every culture, so when to talk to make it clear what you can and can't eat and they will do everything they can to help. The only thing they likely can't provide is vegan friend unsual condiments, so if you need a vegan friendly horseradish sauce to eat (fake obviously) Beef, you may find your have to bring your own pot.

  8. We're planning on heading down the morning of the day before we set sail, and staying in either Southampton itself or Portsmouth just round the coast. There are obvious highlight we're seen mentioned as Tourists attractions.

    Tudor House & Titanic memorial in Southamption

    Dockyards & HMS victory in Portsmouth.


    I was wondering if anyone can advice of any lesser know but enjoyable excursions or diversions, from a few minutes to all day stuff.


    We're not restricted with mobility and have a fairly wide range of tastes, so castles to steam trains, theatres to adventure golf and beyond are all open for possibility.

  9. It basically boils down to a difference in how prices are displayed.


    Some countries such as the UK, use an ALL-IN approach whereby the price shown is inclusive of all taxes, charges, extra etc.


    Other countries such as the US only show the base price. And any sales taxes, service charges, tips are added on afterwards.


    Cruise ships have historically followed the second option. You will be told several time what extra will be added to the prices, whether it's $7 a day, or 15% or whatever, and they assume you can do the basic maths needed to work out if the end product is still worth it to you.

  10. Well, we've got a nice list so far..


    1.) The Poseidon Adventure

    2.) Juggernaut

    3.) The Lady Eve

    4.) Out to Sea

    5.) An Affair to Remember

    6.) Now Voyager

    7.) A Night at the Opera

    8.) Ship of Fools

    9.) The Legend of 1900

    10.) A Night to Remember

    11.) Titanic

    12.) Dangerous Crossing




    You can add "Carry On Cruising" to that list as well. It's camp and lowbrow but shows a lovely slice of ship life.

  11. Hi, I have a few questions concerning an upcoming cruise on the QM2 I will be travelling Queens grill.


    1) Does the Queens Grill restaurant still utilise an A La Carte menu? Looking at old menus the last A La Carte I have come across is from some years ago.


    2) Does the ship pick up fresh food at the various ports (Fish, fruit, etc) or is it all loaded at Southampton and stored for the entire journey?


    3) in your stateroom, you are provided 2 bottles of spirits of your choosing, is this any spirit, or is it just House Vodka, House Whiskey, House Rum, etc?


    4) Are we allowed to embark with food items? I'm not talking big stuff, just a box of chocolate, a jar of pickle I enjoy with cheese etc.


    5) Are drink served tableside within the Casino?


    Thank You

  12. One reason that has yet to be mentioned is that simply put Indian Food is perfect for Buffets, unlike Chinese, American, italian, etc cuisine, most indian dishes not only can be left to simmer on the side without the food being negatively affected, but it actuially improves the food itself.


    When cook curries at home i leave it to simmer for a couple of hours before serving to improve the flavour. Can you imagine doing the same to Burgers or Pizza?

  13. i love this thread, took me 4 days to read it all it was brilliant.


    The nearest thing i have a to a wild story,

    On a short cruise in the North Sea near Christmas many years ago, i was 12 and not coping well with the ships movement. In the buffet for breakfast, i suddenly started feeling sick, i covered my mouth as i ran from the room, however i started throwing up, becuse i had my mouth covered it started squirting out the side of my hands, staright onto the breakfast plate of another diner. I have no idea how they reacted as i just kept running to the toilets.

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