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Posts posted by Miss_Kharisma

  1. Have ordered one from Walmart so will be waiting at our hotel when we arrive!


    Unfortunately my travel companion drinks a minimum of 3 cups a day. We had so much trouble with kettles last time we were over there since they don’t drink that much tea in the US, so making sure we don’t run into that problem again by buying our own and travelling with it! 

    They are under $20 usd so will buy a 2nd one if we have to. Just seems like a waste if there’s an option for them to hold it on board for us somewhere! 

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  2. Ok, so I know you aren’t allowed to bring kettles onboard. 

    We’ll be cruising in the middle of an 8 week trip to the US, and will have a kettle with us. I’m wondering if we have it out in a separate bag when we board, if the cruise line (Royal Caribbean) will be able to hold it for us somewhere during the cruise that we can pick up on departure, or if we’ll just have to throw it out and buy a 2nd one once we finish the cruise for the rest of our trip. 

    Does anyone have an experience with anything similar? 

  3. I am not impressed with the itinerary for the Ovation at all. It misses one of the regular ports and has shortened time in each. I was really looking forward to seeing Alaska on her, but I have changed my mind and am now going to do the Southbound on the Radiance.


    Extra ports AND lots more additional time in every port, so get to maximise our time in Alaska.

  4. But it is in writing and according to some it must be followed exactly as posted. To not do so means it will interfere with the enjoyment of the cruise by others.


    Actually show up when you get to the port. As others have said it is not a requirement. Imagine the port nightmare if it was strictly enforced. Even Princess shuttle service ignores it.


    I live in Sydney and RCab enforce boarding times. If you show up outside your 'given time' you are allowed to drop your bags off - but are then sent on your merry way until your correct boarding time. It's awful.


    I was wondering if other lines were going to follow along with making people stick to their set times!

  5. I had an e-mail from Princess earlier today informing me that bookings for Elite will open on December 13; 24 hours prior to general release. So, you should be looking for 2019 Alaska cruises on December 14 (unless you’re Elite).



    Sent from my iPad using Forums


    Thank you! I hadn’t seen that written anywhere else. I always think it’s a bit funny that they don’t announce well before they go onsale. It takes me forever to study each itinerary to work out what option wouldn’t be the right choice for me. I need the itinerary now to be able to make a decision by the 14th!! :D ;p


    Royal Caribbean are doing the same things. Bookings open in the next couple of weeks, but no itineraries have been announced yet.


    Really looking forward to seeing what ships will be doing what itineraries!

  6. I'm getting so impatient! Most other lines are now open, or have announced their on sale dates so I know when it's coming!


    Even HAL went up very quietly the other night. I imagine Princess can't be too far away, but I hope they don't take too much longer. I would hate to miss out on brilliant cabins on other lines (those hard to snaggle aft balconies) because Princess took too long to announce and ended up not having the itinerary I want! :)

  7. Can anyone tell me what Dock Carnival usually gets in Juneau and Ketchikan? I know that since Carnival doesn't have much presence in Alaska they probably don’t get the greatest docking position. I'm worried that they may even tender, as I’ve seen several ships do in the past.


    You used to be able to get dock information online, but I haven’t been able to find anything regarding last year or this year. Now it seems they only put out what ships will be in port.


    If anyone has been to Alaska or seen a Carnival Ship in an Alaskan Port, I would greatly appreciate any information.


    I have been to Alaska many times so am familiar with all of the docks. If you don’t know the exact dock name but could describe the location – that would be brilliant.


    Thanks in advance for any help!!!

  8. Hi Guys,


    Hoping some of you can help me with a very 1st world problem I’m having!!!


    I am sailing to Alaska in July next year on the Legend. I am taking my mum, we are flying over from Australia and my plan is to not even tell her where we’re going or what we’re doing until we’re on the way to the airport on the day we fly out! Even then, I’m hoping to get away with keeping Alaska a surprise until the very last second.


    As I want it to be super special (I worked on ships for 3 years and spent over a year of that in Alaska, so I have pretty much seen and done everything!) for her, I went and booked an aft wrap cabin – 6260. However, after having a bit of time to think, I have just put a regular aft extended balcony (5268 – Upper Deck seems to be the only regular extended aft balcony cabin left available) on hold for 24 hours.


    There is a $1300 price difference between the aft wrap and the regular aft (and with the Australia $$ being the way it is it is probably more like $1700). Is an aft wrap cabin worth the difference in price? Looking at pics on line, the regular aft balconies seem quite large as it is. I am also worried that the weather might mean we don’t use the balcony as much as I would like. That price difference equates to a couple of Dog Sledding on a Glacier / Helicopter / Flight-Seeing type excursions. And given that we’re sailing from Seattle, I know it’s not the most scenic route available.


    I’m also figuring that any passenger cabin is much better than a crew cabin!!! ;)


    Such a hard decision!!


    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

  9. Is the Brazil Butt Lift any good?? They have just started advertising it pretty heavily over here in Oz. My best friend has been going on and on and on about it - so I bought it for her for her birthday!!


    I hope it works!


    I have Bodyjam but I'm so unco I can't really do it very well!!

  10. My significant other/travel companion is not a CC member, but I sent him the link to this thread, mainly for the menus. Everything sounds so awesome (and we’re only on day 2!), that I wanted him to see what we have to look forward to. Turns out that for him, the food looked good, but really caught his eye were the chairs in the Explorations Café in the picture above! He went nuts over them. He’s really into this style of furniture. Then I searched on Google for another picture of them, and found this one. He saw this and now he absolutely can’t wait to get on the ship and sit in these chairs. Only 3 months to go!




    As a past Librarian onboard the Volendam, can I just say my biggest nightmare was those chairs!!! You would not beLIEVE the arguements people got into over them - it was absolutely insane!


    I was onboard for April Fools Day, and the show cast hid them all as a practical joke. It was the worst day of my life. :)

  11. We’re not regular shareholders but do usually purchase the 100 shares to get the OBC. I just purchased last week for our upcoming June trip and then went to download the Shareholder benefit request form. It now says that travel needed to be booked by February 28, 2013 and is only applicable to sailings through July 21, 2013. I hope they extend it.


    Where does one go to buy shares?

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