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Posts posted by RunBikeCruise

  1. I got to the cruise on the first page! Yessss.


    We left our hotel 12.10 and after just a few minutes...



    There were not many people in the terminal, which was a blessing to us as someone in our family had forgotten to print out our SetSail passes and was on the verge of tears over this gigantic mistake and ready to go home with her...I mean, THEIR tail between the legs.

    However, apparently all you get for not having the paperwork with you is either a :mad: or a :rolleyes: and the treatment of a silly rookie, who has never cruised before.

    Then you sign a few papers and that's it. You still get to cruise. And that gets you a :)


    Especially when you take the this step:



    I forgot to print off ours too. So relieved that they still let us on!

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