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Posts posted by 8stargazer

  1. I don't know if you've already visited Progresso but my wife and I did this excursion a couple of years ago while in port. The salsas, that you make yourself, are pretty good. I do recommend that you somehow bring your own bag of chips since they seat about 8 at a table and only bring two bowls to each table. If memory serves, you get little coupons for 3 drinks that are included (water, soda, beer, and I think margaritas that the guide makes) Afterward they take you out to the courtyard and teach you how to salsa dance. It's a fairly good excursion and I think you get dropped off in downtown Merida to shop in some of the local stores where you can get better bargains than at the port shops.


    It's a 5 hour or so trip so you'll get pretty hungry. That's why I'd recommend bringing your own bag of chips.


    Good luck!

  2. Taking the 5 day on the triumph in early June. Is Passion Island by Power Catamaran worth it and are there

    places to get in out of the sun? Any other recommendations:)?


    I just got back from my 6th cruise in two years. We sailed aboard the Carnival Triumph out of Galveston, May 10-15th. The only reason I took this excursion via Carnival was because we had our 21 year old daughter, 19 year old niece, and 3 year old grandson with us, none of which has a passport. From my research on this site, I've learned to book excursions outside the cruise line. I don't recommend doing that unless you have a passport.


    Passion Island itself is great! The beaches are relatively clean except for some sea grass that drifts in (depending upon storms, time of year, etc). We've been there three times in all. The food is pretty good and the open bars (2) will give you all you want. They have built a playground/daycare type area for young children and the lady that oversees it (Yoshi, I think) was wonderful with the little ones.


    I certainly do not recommend going by the double decker ferry (aka catamaran) It is crowded (typical Carnival booking) and if you don't get on early, you'll have to sit on the top deck and bake in the sun while the tour guide talks on and on. My brother and sister in law did the Twister boat a couple of years ago and loved it. I'd recommend doing that one or I think there is a jeep drive through town that takes you there.


    Again, the island itself is well worth the visit, but find another means of getting there. We were only in port from 9:00am until 4:00 pm (back on the boat by 3:30 per ship policy). The tour was supposed to leave at 9:30, got changed to 10:00, finally left the dock at 10:20. By the time we got back, the shops were closing and we had to get back onboard the ship. The captain and crew of the boat did their jobs quite nicely. The tour guides were unorganized to say the least.


    And if you do venture to Passion Island, there is a tent there where you can get a 30 minute massage for about $35.00. I highly recommend this. It was the best one I've ever had.

  3. tcieyes, you don't remember the name of the excursion, do you? We will be in Falmouth on Celebrity in March and RC and Celebrity usually have the same shore excursions. But none of the ones I am looking at sound like what you describe. Thanks!


    The description sounds like Croydon Plantation. We went there this past November on a Carnival cruise. Beautiful plantation and very informative. Be ready for a lot of walking though. The meal they serve at the end is pretty good as well.

  4. Do you recall the prices? I've emailed them a few days ago and haven't heard back. We're looking at doing this in November when we're there.


    I discovered this tour on Cruise Critic yesterday. We are going there the first week of April on the Carnival Magic out of Galveston. I filled out the reservation form and within a couple of hours, Ricardo emailed me back and said it was $78/person. I'd try again. Looking forward to this little gem of a place. From what I read, the price includes lunch and transportation.

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