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Posts posted by Ktcooper

  1. I spent about $1300 on my 1st cruise a 5 day. That was almost all drinks but we didn't buy the drink package that time. We also bought a couplet shirts, 2 cartons of smokes, and a few other odds and ends in the duty free. That was our honeymoon so we drank a bit more than normal.


    I hope to keep in in the same ballpark on my 7 day in November but my stepson is with us this time so there are 3 of us. Also my father in laws coming and he's my drinking buddy so we'll see how that goes.


    Oh well the way I see it I'm on vacation and I work hard all year so I can enjoy myself on a cruise.

  2. We're staying at the hilton downtown for the second time in November. It's right next to the port and you can actually watch the ships depending on which room you get.


    Downtown the bayside mall or whatever they call it was fun. Plenty of bars, restaurants and shopping.


    South beach was fun but expensive. My wife ordered a margarita from one of the restaurants and they brought her one bigger than her head. That was $45 and they just said oh that's the only size we have. At night it was a real party/club atmosphere.

  3. Somewhat related to this I'll be bringing my 6 year old stepson on my next cruise. It's thanksgiving week on the glory. Is there enough stuff to keep a kid that age occupied? This is only my 2nd cruise and last time I paid no attention to kid stuff at all.

  4. I'll be on the glory for thanksgiving so I'm hoping I get to watch games all day on the lido deck. I was on the destiny 2 years ago and they showed a Thursday and Monday night game. I think that was the most I socialized with strangers the whole week. They can play sports the entire time for all I care.


    Oh and Big 10 rules!!! I love watching sec games but hate them because they always destroy us.


    Go browns go buckeyes!!

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