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Posts posted by Sabellagirl

  1. I can't comment on the voyage but I can comment on Bermuda. Today it has been cloudy with rain with a high of 81 degrees. Tomorrow and Friday is showing sunshine with a high of 81 degrees. If I was visiting I would call today a shopping/indoors day. Usually in Bermuda you will find when it rains it is usually a shower here and there and it will stop but from the looks of it, the weather looks like it is set for the remainder of the day.


    If you like I can follow-up tomorrow.




    I appreciate your help but was hoping to hear from someone who is actually in Bermuda sailing on the Breakaway this week. I can always visit the webcam and see what kind of weather they are having, yes it did look cloudy there this morning.


    Yes, very true, the weather can change very fast there. Been to Bermuda at least 20 times, I should be considered a legal citizen there;)


    Thank you again:)

  2. Go to youtube and you will see some video's of the ship. For reviews, go to Reviews on this website, then to member reviews, then enter the ship. Hopefully next year-bigger and better things to come! We will be on the Breakaway in August 2015- our first NCL experience!



    Hi Cruiseaholic:)


    Yes, I am aware of the reviews board, was just hoping to see something for this week. Yes next year will be extra special, but too long of a wait. We will probably book for the same week or close to it. I looked at the webcam, they are having a smooth sailing:) Enjoy your cruise next year!!

  3. Thanks Bars7816:) will never give up on the ship. We love cruising and have been for the last 16 yrs. We were on Breakaway last year and we loved it, best ship by far. We usually make Bermuda every year, this will the first year in about 4 yrs now. Not only a live review but pics would be awesome too. We have been on the Spirit, Dawn, Jewel, Crown and of course the Breakaway. The Jewel is our second favorite. We will just book after the holiday season and dream about next year. Thanks again:)

  4. Hi All,


    All I have been thinking about this week is where we would have been on the ship, what we might have been doing at certain times, looking out over the ocean, nothing but the ocean, clouds and blue skies, just plain daydreaming.


    We would have been sailing with all of you on Sept. 28th but my DH lost his job back in April and unfortunately had to cancel. Now I will have to keep dreaming until next year:(


    Again would love to see a live review, would make me feel like we have not missed a thing;)


    Have fun everyone, and would love to see a review from someone when you return. Happy sailing to my favorite place on this earth...Bermuda.

  5. Hi Laura, I followed it as much as I can....I guess if I don't get to 26

    every day it won't work:rolleyes:.....yes, I have been drinking. I forgot we

    have Ice Cold water at work (from a machine) and that tastes

    ok.....I bought a 20 ounce glass (plastic) and have been drinking

    during the day....figure 4 or 5 of those are alot. But, no have not

    lost much of anything:(


    Thanks for the support.


    Sometimes the weight loss does not happen right away for some people, give it a chance and see how it goes next week, and try to get those 26 points in, even if it is 25 points I would think you would still lose the weight. Whatever please do not give up, it will work:) don't get discouraged. I betcha you lose something next meeting.


    Have a good evening:)

  6. Hi Laura....not even a pound......:rolleyes:...so I would say not too well.

    I had my meeting last night. She said she wants everyone to lose 2

    pounds by next meeting.....not sure if that is going to happen or not:eek:

    (She, meaning the team leader)......


    Oh, no Lois:( did you follow the plan? maybe next weigh in will better, still rooting for you:) Did you drink your crystal light? remember you have to drink enough fluids, especially water. I know any diet plan is not easy but I know you can do this!! Check in again soon:)

  7. Hi Laura,:) I went to the WW store and my team leader was there

    and she said it doesn't have to be water...that 6 glasses a day

    of Crystal Light would be fine. We talked for a few minutes.

    I also bought a scale and a spiral notebook....


    Hi Lois,


    Just wondering how your first week went on WW, hope your doing well with the program:)

  8. Hi Laura,:) I went to the WW store and my team leader was there

    and she said it doesn't have to be water...that 6 glasses a day

    of Crystal Light would be fine. We talked for a few minutes.

    I also bought a scale and a spiral notebook....


    Good for you Lois:) glad you can drink the crystal light. I have been drinking only water for years so it does not bother me. I used to drink the diet soda, milk, orange juice and gave it all up, just gave me problems. And you would be surprised what the water alone will do for your skin;) And the scale will take all of the guesswork out of it. I hope you find it easier to write everything down, just like your personal menu, all you have to do it look at it in the morning and not have to figure from day to day what to have, I thought it was very easy this way. I really should get back on the program myself, I would have to go back to WW because I have no clue where that points calculator is, I don't even think I have it anymore and plus the points value may have changed since then.


    Again, you will have to let us know how you make out the first week, I hope you have a great week and a great weight loss:)

  9. Hi Nikki, thanks for the post. I appreciate everyone's kindness.:)


    I had dinner out with my sis and bil tonight. My sis was on WW a few

    years ago......she lost 50lbs.

    Anyway, she suggested (firmly but lovingly) that I buy a scale

    and she also said I should write down everything I eat. The scale

    is for the food.


    I had grilled salmon for dinner...fresh asparagus and it also came

    with sweet red peppers and cut up sweet potatoes.

    I don't drink a lot during the day...my sis said I really have to start

    drinking water. The leader at the WW meeting said Crystal Light is good.

    I would much prefer to drink that as opposed to water.


    Hi Lois,


    Yes your sister is right, always include enough water day to day for optimal weight loss, without it you may not lose as much as you like. Water is a great way to flush your system of all toxins, sodium, etc....That is all I drink, but I can understand why most folks cannot tolerate that alone, so the crystal light sounds like a good idea.


    And the scale is a good idea too, this way if you have something that is not packaged or frozen you can weigh it to make sure you are eating the right serving, it will come in handy for especially meats and vegetables.


    Good luck, check in again soon:)

  10. Good morning......Janine, I will email you over the weekend...thanks:)


    Laura, thanks:).....I will see about doing that......breakfast during

    the week would be the easiest thing....yogurt and breakfast bar.

    Or a piece of fruit and yogurt.......

    And I drink a cup of joe every day....it is a Kureig....


    Good morning Lois:)


    I think you will find it so much easier this way, knowing what you will be having for the day and listed right in front of you on paper, one less thing to stress about during the day. And before you know it you will know most of the points value on the foods you eat. I found after awhile that I would automatically know what the points are and I was using the points calculator less each time. Anyway my point is that it will become easier as the days go on, with much less effort and the weight will come off. You will have to let us know what you lose the first weigh in because guaranteed it will be a good number:) in the beginning it might mostly be water weight, but when I was doing it I lost on average 2 pounds a week. You might lose more, we are all different in that department;)


    Have a good day:)

  11. Hi Lisa and Laura, thanks so much.....I wish the 3 of us lived closer...

    we could do it together live and in person. Thanks for the support.:)


    I went out to dinner and Applebee's has WW items on their menu.

    I had a grilled shrimp dish with rice......it said it had 13 points.

    I had some leftovers for lunch with a yogurt. My problem is not

    eating 26 points per day and trying to understand all the food/points

    Do you keep track on line of what you eat EVERY DAY?:eek: and the

    points for each item?


    Laura, as for being motivated? That is really not me but when I

    saw what I weighed?:confused:.... I knew I had gained weight....but I

    didn't realize what the number was (is).........


    Hi Lois,


    Well obviously you were motivated enough to do something which is good. Have you thought about maybe just logging what you might have for a few days to start, write a menu and figure out your breakfast, lunch and dinner, write it down along with the points, this way it won't be so overwhelming, that is what I used to do. It was easier not having to figure out day to day what I was going to eat and figuring points, just a thought. I would usually plan for the week, have it written down on paper and try to stay with the food choices for that week, again you won't have to drive yourself crazy day to day figuring what to eat, I know that would drive me crazy too. You don't have to post anything online, I never did.


    I weigh in about twice or three times a week and I am always promising myself I would not go on more then twice a week but I do anyway, trust me I am not happy with my weight either, haven't for years.


    And I agree, would be nice to do this kind of thing together, we still need to get on the same ship;) someday:)

  12. We are the same age......I have been wanting to cry the last few days....

    I was on cruise last month and I fell (I am ok) but I was in a Cabana

    in Labadee and fell from the top level onto the bottom...hard:eek:....my

    leg still has a bump......I went to the Dr and they took x-rays...nothing

    broke or fractured....anyway....they weighed me (of course:rolleyes:) (went

    to the Doc after I got home). Anyway, when I saw how much I weighed:(

    In all 55 years, this is the most I have ever weighed.......




    So sorry to hear about your accident on the cruise:( glad you are okay. I think we all share something in common here, our ages, just turned 52 last month and it is harder to lose the weight, don't get upset, it can be done. And I am the heaviest I have been in my 52 yrs too, which is why I am trying to reduce calories too. We can do this. You can do this!! just try the program for a few weeks, guaranteed you will see results and want to continue. I know when I lose some weight I feel better about everything else, again don't be sad, think about that next cruise and how much thinner you will be:) Obviously you have the motivation, you took the first step and attended a meeting, keep with this. You know there is also Jenny Craig if this does not work for you, you purchase their foods, the only problem is that it is more of an out of pocket expense but it works as well. I have done both programs. Just saying there are other options out there, don't give up.

  13. Hi Laura:)...yes, I remember you....how are you and Kevin doing?

    Thanks for the reply.


    Yes, there is a booklet too. Maybe I am just not cut out to remember

    it all:rolleyes:....I went to the meeting on Tuesday night......ok...then

    yesterday went to the grocery store and bought a bunch of stuff and

    alot of it has the points on the front....(Yoplait yogurts are 2 points

    each). I can tell you being my first day yesterday, I did not have the

    26 points.....:o

    Anyway.....I will see how it goes.........thanks again:)


    Whatever you do Lois, please, please do not give up on this program, it will work for you, if you cannot get all the points in then at least try to get as close as possible to the daily recommended points. Honestly I found it easier to just buy frozen or packaged foods, the label is right there for you to calculate the points. Like the WW foods you bought, that is a good idea, and it will be easier for you the first week until you get used to the plan. I believe the Weight Watchers plan is easier to follow then having to weigh food or count calories, too much guess work. With the calculator points finder they make it easy for you. I am rooting for you!!:) I betcha you will be happy with that first weigh in and it will motivate you even more.


    Oh, we are fine here, thank you for asking:)

  14. Thanks, I am still trying to understand it all...maybe I am just slow.:(

    I am not hungry in the morning.....I have a cup of coffee, A Kureig

    brand and it says it is 2 points...I put the stuff in the calculator

    for the serving....you know, carbs, protein, fiber and fat?

    When I come home for lunch I usually have a yogurt and maybe

    a breakfast bar or bowl of cereal (whole grain).


    I did buy some WW Smart Ones at the grocery store too.


    Hi Lois:)


    Remember me? just a different screen name, Laura from your home town. How are you? I regularly check the Lose before you cruise boards and there you are.


    I will give you my opinion, I did this program a few years ago and it works, just follow those points exactly and you will lose weight. Each food has a points value, but always check how many servings a food item has. Like previously mentioned do not go below or over your points for the day. I did the calculator finder too and it does work, easy to find the points value. Did they give you a booklet too? which lists food items and their points value, that should help with non-packaged food items, for instance the points for a hamburger, a piece of fruit, a cup of rice, etc....again just follow those points and the weight will come off. Good for you for trying and I wish you much success. I will check this thread and see how you are doing:) oh, and a bit of exercise goes a long way too, just walking everyday will add to your weight loss. I hope you keep coming back here to let us know how you are doing.

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