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Posts posted by ohiocruiser88

  1. We just recently returned from a Southern Caribbean Cruise out of San Juan and I just wanted to send a quick Shout Out t the Traveling Baby Company. We took our 7 month old son on this cruise and we were worried about having stuff for him to do in the room. Well, I just happened to find this company online that rents baby equipment. The rent everything from cribs, stroller, car seat, pack-n-plays, toys, and exersaucer. So we rented and exersaucer from them. The met us at the San Juan airport with our exersaucer and we went to the ship. My son had a blast in it! Then the met us at the airport and picked it up. It was awesome!! Check them out if your cruising or traveling Orlando, Miami, San Juan, and so many more!! http://www.travelingbaby.com


    I know this is irrelevant to your post but we are traveling to southern Caribbean next month with our 7 month old. Any tips on what excursions to do or avoid? We will have plenty of help. We are going to St. Thomas, St. Lucia, St. Kitts, St. Maarten, and Barbados. Thanks!

  2. We are taking our 7mo old baby on a cruise next month out of San Juan,PR. We will have plenty of help from grandparents, aunts and uncles. We have an island tour booked for St. Thomas (Godfrey's) and St. Lucia (Cosol's Tour) Any tips on what excursions to go or avoid with a baby?

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