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Posts posted by bracldanm

  1. Hi

    Apologies if these are questions that have been asked before though I can't find them specifically on a search.

    We fly into Genoa for our first 2 week cruise on Oceana in June(Can't wait!) and I am wondering how long it takes the coach to get from the airport to the ship?

    Do we collect luggage in usual way as you would on a hotel holiday and is it then taken to your cabin?

    What is the embarkation procedure in the port?


    Thanks in advance to you helpful folk!


    Hi Andrea. Thanks for asking that question, it was one that I was pondering over too. We are on Oceana from Genoa in June too and like you I have been unable to find answers elsewhere. What date in June are you cruising? We are boarding 10th June flying into Genoa from Gatwick although sadly due to other commitments we are only able to do the first leg of the cruise and will be leaving the ship in Venice.

    Have a wonderful time. Regards Debra

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